For those who need it - the beginning of an original Christmas - TopicsExpress


For those who need it - the beginning of an original Christmas story. The speaking characters are representations of some of our pups from the Alaskan Malamute Owners group who have passed away this year. We miss them so very, very much. Steelheart was my once in a lifetime rescue malamute. He was my breath of fresh air in life and is now my star in heaven. All of these magnificent malamutes ( and friends Rascal, and Annie (who is also not a malamute and has yet to make an appearance) ) have had tremendous impacts on the families they shared their lives with. We miss you furry friends, this one is my gift to all of you. Special shout out to Hailey S. - a canvas can take may forms, wouldnt you agree? Miss you lady! ************************************************************************************** And in a cloudless night a star shown very bright. A great white moon joined that star and lit the way for a little girl to join them. A little Rascal was not too far behind. And on the 7th day they rested. But alas, rest was not to be theirs for the journey was long with so many things to see. When they stopped to rest in yet another beautiful place and were quietly telling stories of their lives on earth and their beautiful families, two noses and four eyes, the star and the moon spotted two more souls on the journey. A short time later as these two souls were about to pass them by, that Rascal called out to them - Come! Join us and rest yourselves. Share with us our resting spot and our stories that they may lift your heart for your journey. Unbeknownst to them, Bandit, Prince of Hearts, had joined them. A Tuscan worker walked with him in a harness of beautiful silver. He was still working - strong - and proud, eyes bright. He carried the most precious cargo of all - A load of love for the journey to the King. Prince Bandit walked over to them who were resting, and, throwing nobility to the wind introduced himself as Bandit. He thanked them for their invitation, and called them friends. He offered to take the load from Tuscan, but Tuscan refused citing there was no greater work than to bring his love to the King. As they were settling in they heard an out of control woo-ing in the distance yet again! There was a dark shape in the distance bobbing up and down. After discussion amongst themselves it was decided that the shape was running - making a bee-line for them in fact. It ran and it ran! Oh how it ran! - Like the exuberance of a small child. It was in fact a small fur-child named Bella. She ran so fast that she did not stop running until she ran right INTO Prince Bandit. He fell over and just laughed and laughed. Little Bella was still a little bit afraid so she apologized to the Prince from underneath the paws that covered her eyes. Prince Bandit righted himself and put a big paw around little Bella to give her comfort. He let her know that he was not injured and told her to uncover her eyes so that he and the others could look at her. She peeked at him with lovely brown eyes that were close to tears. She said that she was on a great journey but that she did not want to go the road alone. Prince Bandit hugged her closer still and with his paw upon her heart told her you will never be alone dear Bella we will always be with you now. The hour does grow and you need your rest. Close your eyes now and dream of your daddy and your family fore they are surely thinking of you this night. There will be time for stories and play when you wake. All of the well furred heads in the group nodded and peace was upon them. And basking in the warmth of that peace, Bella rested. Tuscan the worker, pawed out a piece of his load of love and tucked it into Little Bellas fur. All looked at him but wooed nothing. When he was done he stood to address them all. I understood two things on Earth: Work hard, and Love Thy neighbor. I worked hard, I love you all, and she (Bella) is my neighbor. I gave her love to keep forever. *********************** And with that Tuscan, too, settled down to rest after satisfying himself that all knew they were loved. While he was lost in thought while settling he noticed that the light of the star was dimming. He looked up oblivious to the conversation that was being had above him between the star and the moon. The moon, while manning his post as the brightest light in the sky, overheard the star ask the clouds to cover him as he was not feeling very bright. The clouds, ever willing to help their sky friends obliged the star with enough coverage to shield him, and still let his light shine through. When he was covered over by the clouds his light faded in and out in silent waves. The moon was overcome with sadness and great love for his friend the star. They had spent many a night together waiting for this small group to assemble, and then lighting the way for them on the journey to the King. The moon through the night moved closer to the star. The ever-wise moon asked the star Dear friend, why does your light wax and wane this night in silence? And why have you shielded yourself from us? You are the star we look to for guidance on our quest to see the King. The star gave thought to the question as his light waned yet again. I was thinking, moon - of my life on earth and of a human I called Momma. Momma is thinking of me tonight and I am thinking well of her also and of the love she gave to me. Tonight was to be the anniversary of my home-coming - but I was called Away before it came to pass. I am thinking of her and that she may have forgotten me, but I remember the warmth of her love. And his light waned again in sadness. The clouds, still offering their shield, listened gently to his story and began to cry. They cried very softly for a very long time. Moon, still shining bright, gave counsel to the star: Dear star. You see our little group of friends and guide them on their way. Your view is somewhat limited. I shine upon the earth and observe all. My view is vast and steadfast. I know of your story only what you have shared as we stand our vigil to light the Way for our past and future friends. I remember you said it took you a lifetime to find your way home, because home was where your heart was - your Momma, and that that journey was an arduous one. Star -- hear me true: A lifetime lasts but a lifetime, but LOVE, dear star, lasts forever. I see your Momma down there sitting in her office thinking of you. Her tears of love are as soft as the tears of the clouds. She is remembering this night a year ago in earthly time, and how you changed her life and her heart forever. She is realizing that her heart will never be empty because you will always be there. So un-shield yourself Northern Star. Shine the light of the love you share upon our little group below and beyond that to the Earth. Think no more that you have been forgotten as this is not the case. You are loved by all of us.......why else would you have been appointed to be the brightest star in the sky? Why else dear friend would you be called The North Star? Upon listening to the moons great counsel, the clouds stop crying and gently moved aside for the North Star to resume his vigil with his friend Moon. His light became stronger as he considered the words of the moon. Stronger it became - no longer waxing, no longer waning. The little group below was sleeping. Tuscan too had nodded off and was dreaming lovely dreams. The North Star thanked the moon and they stood together shining bright until the sun rose. While the little band of friends did sleep a carpet of beautiful flowers grew around them and out from them - a gift of love from the clouds. Well now little Bella was the first to wake as she was the first one to sleep. Her nose, small but mighty, picked up the scent of the flowers before she opened her sleepy puppy eyes. She breathed in the lovely scent, and laid there a while all curled up, warm and content, in the center of all of her new found sleeping furry friends. She could feel the heart-beat of Prince Bandit as she snuggled in closer to him. He, while still fast asleep put his paw around her shoulders and in reflex to her movement pulled her closer. She could also feel the heat of Tuscans body along her back keeping her warm. The other female, Little Girl, was not about to be left out of this dog pile. Little Girl opened her eyes and repositioned herself, resting her head very gently on Bellas flank. Bella stretched and open her eyes to see Little Girl looking at her. Slowly, very slowly Little Girls eyes softly closed and she went back to sleep. Although Bella was too young to know the word, safe is what she felt. After a little time had passed and still no dog was stirring, little Bella decided to get up and go exploring. She stretched her feet into Little Girls neck and Little Girl repositioned herself again still lost in deep and restful sleep. Bella arched her back and Tuscan move over a tad too. Prince Bandit had turned over to his other side and stretched all the way out leaving Bella the freedom to get up without disturbing everyone. Bella stood up and gave herself a full puppy stretch. She looked around with big brown eyes and thought to herself how large her new friends were - well except for the little Rascal that is. He was different. He was not like the others - he was even smaller than she was and she was just a puppy at 13 months old. As she looked around she did not see that Rascal anywhere and wondered if he was in the dog pile being smothered by the others. She thought surely he would cry out if he was being squished. In the midst of this thought, she spied him sitting at the edge of the ring of flowers that surrounded them, looking outward. She padded over to him on her four little feet and he did not turn when she approached. She sat down next to him and followed his gaze. Wascal?, she said, Why are you sitting over here all by yourself - were you getting squished by all of us? Wascal, how come you dont look like me? Wanna play Wascal? Wascal what kind of dog are you? By now, with all of the questions that poured out of Bella, she was up and prancing, and play bowing, and doing what little puppies do. Rascal thought about Bella and how young she was and how he could best answer her questions in a way that she could understand. He hoped she would always maintain the innocence of a fur-child, so full of life and curiosity. It was at that moment that he remembered that she would and offered a prayer of thanks in his heart to the King. He turned and faced Bellas tummy. Bell was indeed so very much larger than himself. Bella, he said. Lay down beside me so that I can talk with you a while before the others wake. Bella settled down and looked at him while smelling the flowers. She wanted to pay attention to him but the flowers were so soft and they smelled so lovely. Rascal began to answer her questions, giving life to her curiosity. Bella I sat over here, but I was not alone. I had the flowers and the sun to keep me company. I was thanking the North Star and the moon for lighting our way, and inviting the sun to keep our company today. I bid North Star and Moon good night, and accepted the warm of the sun as I watched the flowers play. It is always good to say thank you to friends who lend guidance, and welcome those who brighten our day. Rascal looked down at Bella and smiled warmly. A breeze had brought the head of daisy to rest on Bellas nose. It tickled and Bella laughed, rolling over on to her back and she woogled at it with a puppy grin as she reached out to touch it gently. Rascal was pleased with playful Bella. I dont look like you Bella - you are right. I was made different from you. I am not the same size, I have not a coat of many colors, nor a coat as dense as yours. My ears are small and not well furred. My head is the size of two of your feet, and my tail is but a whippet. The king made me different, but just as special. He gave me the love of a family just as you had and I spent many an earthly year with them. But the King called me Home when it was my time. I am on my way there now, just as you are. Because I served my family faithfully and loved them to the end, I was granted a position of great service. To lead our little group Home and to give wise words along the way. So yes, I am different from you and the others - but we are ALL special in our own way. The King thought you were too little to make the journey alone so young, and He told me you would be joining us. He wanted you to make the journey safely and to feel loved all along the way. All of our friends have had their own struggles prior to coming here and that is why the King called on Bandit Prince of Hearts and Tuscan with his load of love, to join us. Little Girl was her Daddys joy and he was very sad when she had to leave. The King gave him dreams that his Little Girl was safe in the company of others like herself. As for what kind of dog I am? I am an Old Rascal. I am a loyal dog. I will defend you all and lead you Home as the King intended - and yes, I would love to play with you. And with that the breeze began to play, and the flowers danced, and the sun shed warmth on the joy of it all. Rascal ran out into the flowers to join Bella at play. He was still an old Rascal, but having crossed over from the earthly plane, his body was renewed and young again. He frittered here and frolicked there with baby Bella, and play bowed to other unseen critters also playing in the flowers. Bella practiced pouncing on little piles of dirt. Her head, and at times, just her ear tips could be seen bobbing up and down, and up and down again amongst the daisies, the tulips and the iriss. She pounced on a pile and then began to dig a little hole. Covered in dirt up to her nose, she lay down in the hole, rolling over on to her back, dusting away the little crumbs of dirt remaining. Very pleased with her new hole, she wooed to Rascal and bid him come there. Rascal wandered over and looked down at the little hole and asked Bella what she had done. Bella replied, Wascal...... I was play pouncing on the little piles of dirt that were just there and then I practiced digging. Wascal....... poucing, dirt and digging are part of playing. I got down in my new hole and cleaned it all up and I realized how cool it was. I gave my hole a reason to........ be. You see a hole without a reason is an empty hole with a need to be fulfilled. You are a black dog and a small one - and you will fit in there nicely. It has a lot to offer and I would like to offer that to you. You have been in the sun for a long time and here you can rest and cool off in the shade of our new friends, the flowers. Rascal was very moved by the act of this small fur-child sharing her first hole with him, an act of friendship made to give him comfort. He thanked Bella and stepped into the hole and lay down. It was a perfect fit. He gave silent thanks to the hole as it gently cooled his bones, gave thanks to the flowers for their cover, gave thanks for the innocence of small fur-children larger than himself, and thanks to the King for all that he had been given. Bella meanwhile, her curiosity ever-present, had tottled off into the flowers, play pouncing again with happy reckless abandon. Once again little well-furred ear tips could be seen bobbing up and down. She could be heard giggling and wooing with the flowers, and on occasion rolling over onto her back and reaching out with paw tips to tag them in their game. Youre it Tulip! I got you Iris! Ring around the Rosey, I touched my paw to Posey! The sun was proud of the little group below. Their kindness to one another warmed his heart and he gave that warmth back to them. The big dogs slept, the old one rested in shaded comfort, and the innocent one was giddy with happiness. The breeze played, the flowers swayed, and it was all good. It was very, very good. The noise was joyful coming from the flowers. Prince Bandit, Tuscan, and Little Girl had wakened and were still gathered in their own little group, they were grooming themselves for the new day and wooing softly to one another in morning greeting. Little Girl was the first to stand and stretch, first backward and then forward kicking out both back legs one at a time. Prince Bandit had been thinking of her off and on since he joined her on the journey. She was quiet and gentle, and very very pretty. He looked up at her and thought to ask her about her name. Little Girl, he said. what was your earthly name? He kept looking at her with his kind eyes, waiting for her to answer. He was patient and would have waited forever for her to answer. He realized long ago sometimes friends needed a moment to themselves when travelling through memories to answer questions asked of them. And still he waited. She looked out over the land and sat. She lifted a paw to groom it while thinking of her answer. When she was satisfied that her paw was clean she turned to Prince Bandit. My name Prince Bandit, was Araya. My family name was Hill. YOU are the Prince of Hearts, Bandit. For a brief moment sadness flashed across her eyes. It was gone as quickly as it had come. Bandit thought about what she had said and another question came to mind. Araya, why then are you called Little Girl? That flash of sadness was immediately replaced with the brightest most beautiful smile Bandit had ever seen. Even the sun could not outshine that smile. A WooOOOOOOOOO came out of Little Girl from deep within as if she had been keeping that for a very very special occasion. Little Girl quieted herself and then looked to Bandit. Bandit was happy at her most joyous release. Sensing his approval, Araya said simply, I was my daddys pride and joy. I was his Little Girl. He loved me dearly. While I like my name, I love being his Little Girl more. I will always be his Little Girl. Bandit could see that Little Girls love of her human made her beautiful within as well. And you Prince Bandit - why did you not tell everyone you were the Prince of Hearts? I knew who you were when you joined Rascal and I. North Star and Moon told me you would be joining us. I respect your journey and thought not to give away your secret. Bella and Rascal, by this time had wandered back to the group and caught the tail end of that statement. Rascal, being old but wise, looked at Little Girl knowingly. Bella was caught up by the word secret. Ooooooh! Bella exclaimed excitedly as she bounced up and down. You have a SECRET? I want a secret! Will you tell me your secret Bandit? Pleaaaaaaase?????? Bandit laughed with a twinkle in his eyes. He looked all around at his furry furry friends and then looked down for a moment gathering himself. He was worried about what they would think as he had not been forthcoming on his arrival in the group. He took a breath in as he lifted his head. I am Bandit, Prince of Hearts. I am sorry I did not tell you whence I came upon you at your resting place. My name truly is Bandit and my family name is Orifino. I was loved by my family and dubbed Prince by my mother. In truth I stole their hearts as they stole mine. I did not need nobility to feel special among you. You honored me with your kind invitation to share your resting place and your stories of your families. Mother taught me well to be kind to all well met and be not boastful of myself. Her teaching served me well and my heart is always full and I have love enough for all I come across. All of the tails wagged like flags in the wind, a sign that all was forgiven. ***************************************************** To be continued...........
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 01:51:52 +0000

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