For those who think it might be alright to leave group till - TopicsExpress


For those who think it might be alright to leave group till January, read below! Once upon a time there were three sisters who were all members of Debbie’s Slimming World group. Their names were Marjorie, Mary and Melanie Christmas. Marjorie had a hectic Christmas period, with three different carol concerts to go to, two work nights out, the family Christmas party as well as all the festivities planned for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day, oh and not forgetting New Year’s Eve! She made the decision that she just didn’t have time for Slimming World at the moment and she was going to stop attending group and rejoin again in January – knowing that Debbie would welcome her back with open arms. Mary had a similar Christmas planned to her sister and was looking forward to the fantastic family party. She knew there would be days when she wouldn’t food optimise 100% but she was determined to limit these to special occasions such as the party. She also had flexible syns to help her and knew that the whole group was there to support her along the way. Mary knew that there were some weeks when she either couldn’t attend at all or couldn’t stay to group but knowing that she could always weigh in elsewhere, Mary made the commitment to at least get weighed every week between now and Christmas. Melanie once again had a very busy Christmas planned but she was determined not to put on any weight over Christmas, despite all the lovely food her sister would be preparing for her party! Melanie was committed to food optimising 100% over the whole festive period and was not going over 10 syns on any day – not even Christmas Day. She would be attending every week and staying for group, knowing that all the members would help her achieve her goal. January arrived… Marjorie returned to group. She had really enjoyed Christmas and ate and drank whatever she wanted. Although she was disappointed that some of the clothes she had hoped to wear were a bit tight and she didn’t feel as nice as she’d wanted. When Marjorie got on the scales for her first weigh in she was shocked to see she had put a stone on and was really upset. It has taken her 3 months to lose that stone and she knew that it could be the end of March before she would be back to where she was when she stopped attending. Marjorie knew that the group would help her get back on track but she felt really disappointed that she’d stopped coming to group and had let Christmas take over. Mary had a really lovely Christmas too and had kept to her plan to food optimise on all the days she could and to use flexible syns on her nights out. She hadn’t counted syns on Christmas Day and had maybe been a little bit too flexible at her sister’s party but she had limited Christmas to just a few days and got straight back to her normal food optimising on the 27th December. When Mary attended group in January she stood on the scales and found she had put on 2 pounds. She was really happy with this as not only had she enjoyed a great Christmas but she knew she could lose that by the next week. Melanie attended her first group in January and stood on the scales feeling very hopeful. She had food optimised 100% over Christmas and stuck to her goal of not exceeding 10 syns a day – not even Christmas Day. Melanie had lost 2 ½ pounds that week and was the Slimmer of the Week. She was so pleased taking home that lovely basket of fruit and low syn snacks and it was fantastic to stick that award to her book. However, she realised that she hadn’t enjoyed Christmas as much as usual and wished she had used flexible syns like her sister Mary to allow herself the occasional festive treat! Whatever kind of Christmas you decide to have this year I am here to help and support you along with the rest of the group. It would be absolutely lovely to see you every week in group but if that doesn’t suit you during this festive period then don’t forget that you can weigh in at any other group.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 12:07:37 +0000

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