For those with no experience These courses have been designed - TopicsExpress


For those with no experience These courses have been designed for people who have little or no programming experience. C C is one of the most widely used programming languages and often used as an introduction to programming. It has influenced many languages that came after it, and knowledge of C will make learning later languages, such as Objective-C (used by Apple), easier. It influences many later languages you could want to learn, so starting with C will give you a deeper understanding of how computers work. Java Java is a higher level language which is designed to be compatible with any operating system. It has similar syntax to C and C++. It’s a great programming language to start with because it is widely used and practical, however it won’t give you as deep of an understanding of computer operation as a lower level language like C will. C++ C++ bridges the gap between a language like C and Java as it has features of both low-level and high-level languages. It’s another commonly used language that has a wide range of uses and compatibility. It’s based off of C and adds object-oriented features. It has also influenced many other languages such as C# and Java. Python Python is a language that was designed with human readability in mind. Because of this, it doesn’t take as much code to execute programs as other languages. It’s a great, easy way to learn recurring concepts in computer science and has real world use in the creation of scripts. Ruby Ruby has similar function to Python but is less readable. It’s more object-oriented than Python and is similarly designed with simplicity in mind. It has many applications, but is most often used for web applications. HTML and CSS HTML and CSS are used for webpage design. While these languages won’t really help pave the way for learning more traditional programming languages, they are essential for webpage design. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a “markup language” which allows you to put content into a webpage whereas CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), is used to format and define the layout of a page...
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 14:31:39 +0000

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