For those women who have found themselves praying for their Boaz, - TopicsExpress


For those women who have found themselves praying for their Boaz, and to those pastors/teachers/relationship experts who encourage women how to position themselves for such, have you ever taken time to carefully read the story? If not, let me help you... When our women are praying and positioning themselves for their Boaz, per the story of Ruth and Boaz in the Old Testament book of Ruth, please understand what you are LITERALLY praying for: Our women are praying for God to send them a man at least twice their age, whos sole reasons for marrying her will be: 1.) To settle a deal with an older woman…their former mother in law…. that would ensure the acquisition of land. 2.) To continue a family line. and… 3.) To be the replacement for the guy who was supposed to marry her in the first place, but didnt want to. Many take stories like these and are selling women a false bill of goods just to keep their hopes up, to continue driving up book sales, blog subscriptions and to enhance their portfolio as a Christian relationship expert. Not all, but many. And many women have probably never read the story of Ruth in the context of the entire book, nor with any level of didactic intent or any type of proper hermeneutical approach…again, not all, but many. Lets further unpack this. Boaz was not a husband from the romantic perspective as much as he was a Kinsmen Redeemer. From the Hebrew language that the book of Ruth was written in, a Kinsmen Redeemer is someone who is to act as a redeemer (or buy-back) for a deceased kinsman (relative). To redeem or buy back from bondage. To redeem or buy back a kinsmans possessions, to avenge a kinsmans murder, to redeem an OBJECT through a PAYMENT. Theologically this word is used to convey Gods redemption of individuals from spiritual death and His redemption of the Nation of Israel from Egyptian bondage and also from Exile… So in summation, the story of Boaz and Ruth gives us the depiction of a SAVIOR, not a SPOUSE. This story, if kept in proper context and seen through a proper hermeneutic, is NOT the template to use to teach one the proper courtship process that leads to marriage. It IS, however, a picture and foreshadowing of how God would send His Son Jesus to buy back the souls of those who are in bondage of sin. So if youre going to accurately shout off of this story, shout off of this story because of Gods REDEMPTION, not in hopes of a husbands ROMANCE. Can we PLEASE put Boazology to bed?
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 15:42:49 +0000

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