For todays #facesofthe40000, we are going to do something a little - TopicsExpress


For todays #facesofthe40000, we are going to do something a little different. Instead of honoring the life of a breast cancer fighter, we are going to honor the life of Diem Brown, a fighter of colon cancer and ovarian cancer. Brown, more proof that a positive attitude is no cancer cure, died today in New York City, at age 32. When I was first diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer, I knew no one my age with my stage of the disease, or any kind of cancer, for that matter. I remembered seeing Brown on the MTV show Real World/Road Rules Challenge several years back, and googled her. She epitomized everything I thought a good cancer survivor should. She had a terrific attitude, hope for the future, and I remembered the moment during an episode of the MTV show she was on where she took off her wig as a moment of triumph for women everywhere. In my research, I learned that after her first bout with cancer, she created a registry for people undergoing serious illnesses, where friends and loved ones could purchase items to help one get through treatments. She used her experience with cancer as a platform to help others, whether it was through her gift registry, her speaking engaments, or just coversations she had out in public with fans of her from the Real World/Road Rules Challenge. She said during a cancer free time of such conversations, I welcome [them]. I went public with my journey for a reason, and I really do want to help people. To me, the news reports announcing Diems death, though typical, were upsetting. In almost every one, I read that she lost her long battle with cancer. Yes, Diem was a fighter. Yes she was battling cancer. But her death doesnt mean she was a loser. When cancer claims it victims, that does not mean the cancer has won and the person has lost. The cancer dies along with the person, and for that reason, the battle is simply over. There are no losers just as there are no winners. And really, while cancer may have ultimately took her life and her dreams of being a mother, I still consider her a winner against cancer because she never let it stop her from living her life the way she wanted, and she never gave up. And I think that is something Diem would agree with. She recently said to People Magazine, who she frequently blogged for,No matter what it is youre going to have bad days, but if you have hope throughout, you have won, no matter what the results, she said. Life is beautifful.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 21:26:17 +0000

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