For well over two centuries the United States of America has - TopicsExpress


For well over two centuries the United States of America has existed, in tact, through wars, depressions, civil uprisings, inept politicians and internal struggles, our governmental system not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but far superior to the socialist and totalitarian regimes who have tried and failed so many times. The separation of powers designed and handed down by the founders in the form of our Constitution and other federal papers have prevented any one person or entity from controlling enough power to fundamentally change the nation. Does that last bit sound familiar? The system of checks and balances, requiring that the law of the land receive the stamp of approval from two duly elected ruling bodies, the Senate and House of Representatives and signed by the President, which would make the legislation a part of the law of the land, to be observed by all government agencies and citizens. If the president refuses to sign the bill, vetoes it, it can again be taken up by both houses of Congress and if it receives a 2/3rds majority vote it becomes a law without the President’s signature. President Obama seems to think that the restrictions of power prescribed by our forefathers do not apply to him and his administration. He seems to think that he can pass legislation with nothing more than the stroke of a pen on an executive privilege document. Obama tipped his hand very early on when his Attorney General announced that the Justice Department would only enforce the immigration laws they agreed with and bring federal lawsuits against those states who tried to enforce the federal laws already on the books. Obama is now attempting to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens without even consulting the duly elected legislative bodies we the people sent to the Capitol to make such decisions, a brazen abuse of power that only one who considers himself above the law would ever try. If he is allowed to get away with this, the ramifications of this one act could change the fortunes of America for generations to come as the labor markets are flooded with cheap, unskilled labor and the states medical and social services are stretched to the bursting point. Its hard to believe that the president has the best interest of the nation at heart as this appears to be nothing more than a bald faced appeal to Hispanic voters and the petulance of an inept and immature president who lost badly in the midterms and puts politics above all, including the welfare of the country. Americas foreign policy, or lack thereof, has set us back in the international arena by several decades, the inattention to our military, the rise and proliferation of ISIS and the potential of attacks on the homeland, the crushing national debt, the impossible entitlement load we are carrying, the house of cards economy, racial unrest, government scandal, the rise of Russia, an increasingly belligerent China and a myriad of other problems that need desperately to be dealt with and Obama is determined to pull the nation even farther apart by doing this controversial thing. Instead of eradicating problems it seems that, through his entire administration, Obama has been more intent on creating them. He cannot accept blame, will not admit to being wrong and evidently fancies himself as a modern day monarch, ruling singlehandedly over a nation of three hundred and sixteen million people who are too dense to know whats good for them and need sophisticates like himself and Professor Jonathan Gruber to tell them. The new Congress first order of business should be to take back their constitutional duties, to curb an out of control president. Monarchy leads to anarchy. What do you think? Pray for our troops and for the peace of Jerusalem. God Bless America Charlie Daniels
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 22:25:06 +0000

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