For years I believed that many being called and few being chosen - TopicsExpress


For years I believed that many being called and few being chosen meant there were some greater in Gods kingdom than others. I heard this used to try to describe some gifts like prophet, teacher, etc as more prestigious/powerful than others as though we are in a corporation and not believers all caught in the same fish net. This mode of thinking within the body of Christ actually yielded years of allowing myself to be dominated be men instead of the Holy Spirit, and a major inferiority complex when it came to being used by God. Im understanding daily why God never intended for their to be big Is or little yous in His kingdom. It makes so much since why there were not head pastors, since pastors and teachers are functions and not titles. There were teams of elders overseeing congregations in scripture. Paul evenly openly discourages the church from siding with any party other than Jesus Christ (denominational division, identifying ourselves as followers of one particular preacher over another, etc.) Pride is a powerful and dangerous weapon formed against the gospel. This may seem less than significant to some, but God is answering key questions Ive had for a very long time Lol. Many are called signifies that the invitation to salvation is extended to all (like the guests invited to the wedding feast in Matthew 22), but few are chosen. The few are those who not only hear the gospel and respond, but take the wedding garment -- the blood of Jesus as the only way to salvation -- which will begin yielding positive character change(good fruit) by the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Gods gifts were never given to divide us, and He never intended for us to Lord over one another like world leaders/tyrants -- establishing hierarchies. In the Kingdom, we are all guests invited to the same feast -- and the greatest among us will be the most lowly and devoted to service when there is no lime light apart from the light of Gods presence shining on their obedient sacrifice. God continue to set us apart for yourself, tear down everything weve ever thought we knew thats not consistent with who You are and how You work, and live through my husband and I in a way that draws and edifies all that belong to You. In Jesus name, Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 16:29:16 +0000

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