For your entertainment another one of my posts on another thread. - TopicsExpress


For your entertainment another one of my posts on another thread. In this one my relative tells me that him and I will be wearing different colored uniforms when America wakes to a new birth of freedom. Enjoy. Oh, I had forgotten all about this. Since it is still chaffing your ass five days later I will now make good on my promise. Polemics? I asked questions, for doing so you accused me of being a straw man, enslaving several generations on government plantations, lacking integrity, pursuing absolute power, claim my goal is a fascist socialist state and you do so while stating 29% of the population supports armed rebellion while providing no source data. I am the one guilty of polemics? But I digress, back to US vs. Butler. In typical Tea Party fashion you wish to pick and chose the US History you delude yourself with and ignore the rest. Case in point, while you would have people believe the ruling in US vs. Butler narrowed the interpretation of the General Welfare Clause, no single case in US jurisprudence did more to broaden the interpretation of the General Welfare Clause. The clause confers a power separate and distinct from those later enumerated [,] is not restricted in meaning by the grant of them, and Congress consequently has a substantive power to tax and to appropriate, limited only by the requirement that it shall be exercised to provide for the general welfare of the United States. … It results that the power of Congress to authorize expenditure of public moneys for public purposes is not limited by the direct grants of legislative power found in the Constitution. Curious that you would leave out that quote but include the other. Intentionally deceptive or simple ignorance? I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the later. You go on to also ignore the fact that Chief Justice Hughes joined Roberts by basically trading future rulings to expand GW even further. But your most vile deceit, or ignorance, is your bastardizing of our Founding Fathers view on the matter. It is true that Madison wrote against the GW clause in The Federalist Papers. Had you read Madisons notes on the Constitutional Convention you would know he had done so to garner southern agrarian votes to adopt the Constitution. It isn even your bastardizing so much as the typical cherry picking I find most offensive. If you really do know anything about the General Welfare Clause you know Hamilton argued for its broad interpretation in The Federalist Papers. Furthermore you would know Washington AND Adams governed with a broad interpretation of the General Welfare Clause. Again, deception or ignorance? It has to be one or the other.The only period in US history governed by a narrow interpretation of the General Welfare Clause was 1801 to 1824 beginning with Thomas Jeffersons administration. Of course Jefferson also long argued for narrow limits on the office of the President. Until he held that office and wished to make the Louisiana Purchase which he of course didnt have the votes in Congress to do so he just did it anyway thus creating the greatest expansion of executive power in our nations history to this day. Since US vs. Butler SCOTUS has ruled time and time again for the expansion of powers under the General Welfare Clause. But you keep on eating all those cherry picked quotes Alex Jones keeps feeding you with a fork and a knife if it makes you sleep better at night believing that it is I whom is being deceived by professionals. :)
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 09:04:10 +0000

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