Forbes, are you frickin kidding me? This article - TopicsExpress


Forbes, are you frickin kidding me? This article forbes/sites/susanadams/2014/11/04/the-best-jobs-for-people-with-disabilities/ is sooo...I am lost for words...offensive, stereotypical, presumptuous, narrow-minded are a few that come to mind. To quote, One of the best jobs, says Lee: vocational counselor. “Once people with disabilities get to a point in their work life where they feel comfortable with their disability and feel comfortable talking about their disability with their employers, they really want to help others with disabilities,” he says. What the? Not necessarily! And the article continues with other nonsense! I wonder where they would place me with a significant speech impairment. Likely not as a motivational speaker! And the title...The Best Jobs For People With Disabilities...insert any other minority group and there would be a public outcry for sure! But, we are supposed to be thankful that this information is now available to employers? Not a chance!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 01:50:10 +0000

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