Force Of Will Trading Card Game RGP Event Coverage in AFA-ID2014 - TopicsExpress


Force Of Will Trading Card Game RGP Event Coverage in AFA-ID2014 at JCC in 15-17 August 2014 (This Coverage created by Muhammad Gilang Aditya, Assist by Deandry Ganda Pernama, Pandu Dewanata, Aldi Rizkyana Gustian) RGP – Regional Grand Prix is a huge turnament event, especially for us who plays FoW (Force of Will) Trading Card Game. During this event, each champion from various country around the Asia Pacific is coming to AFA-ID in Jakarta. They come side by side with their trusted partner, ‘ruler,’ and their own batallion army to fight for pride, glory, and prestige. During the third day of AFA-ID, all the ‘giants’ had gathered in this venue, we have Ryo Inoue from Japan, Noel Catilo from Philipines, Kehnan Wilde from Australia, and Cheng Kel Veen from Malaysia. For the representative from Indonesia itself, we have four different player, which is Riadiyanto Jalimun, Deandry Ganda Pernama , Michael Sjamputra, and lastly Ipank Aziz Riphat. They came to this FoW battlefield, with their own strategy and their own deck. No one can guess what they had in their mind, a great war awaits them, a war in which they need to put everything they had. Their strategy, their wisdom, and their skill, to win and stand in the top of Valhalla and supreme reign. The quarter and the semi finals went pretty intense, at first we thought that all the participant would use Ushuah based deck, but to our surprise, we have three decks that is not Ushuah, the three decks are Chronos which is owned by Deandry, Black Wizard owned by Kehnan, and Loki owned by Riadiyanto. The other five participants are using the ussual Ushuah Blue – Red deck with Orpheus in it, with the exception for Ryo Inoue, who instead use a Mono Black Ushuah, which also give us a fresh wind in a battlefield full of Blue - Red Ushuah deck. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final – Two Man Standing, One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the heated battle, only two player survive, which coincidentally are both from Indonesia. They are Ipank Aziz Riphat and Deandry Ganda Pernama. Ipank is a veteran TCG player, he played a lot of TCG before he started playing Force of Will. He is one formidable player, one with a lot of wisdom, one that wouldn’t be easy to be defeated. In this tournament, he use Ushuah Blue – Red feat Orpheus build. On the other hand, Deandry might not have as much experience as Ipank, but he is one hell of a hard worker. One that is able to improve drastically in a short amount of time. He will keep on learning and improving his deck by watching and learning from other person. This was proved by his ability to fight until the RGP Final with his favorite Chronos Control deck. The first round started, each player must draw 2 cards each turn due to “Labyrinth Master, Chronos” passive skill, which essentially give an extra chance and strategy for both player. During the second turn, Andry summoned “Sprout of Treasure Tree” which giving him an extra 3 Green Will to call forth “Sephirothic Tree”, which give him an extra 1 green Will each turn and which also surprised the spectators, since this is the first time a Chronos deck brought a “Sephirothic Tree” on it. During the next few turn, Deandry stalls the game by looping “Morning Mist” using “Tree of Eternity” and the extra mana from “Sephirothic Tree”, avoiding a huge amount of damage from Ipank’s hordes of army. Having enough of Deandry’s damage null ability from “Morning Mist” and “Peace of Negotiation”, Ipank decided to do Ruler-Judgment, destroying all of Deandry’s Stand-by Spell while having a huge number of Resonator in his field such as “Mermaid of Wisdom, Ea” and “Suicidal Troop of Asakna.” Although Deandry chased this by activating his “Morning Mist”. Two turns after that, Deandry cast “Breath of God” which he sets the turn before. Ipank had three “Suicidal Troops of Asakna” in his field so he can chase it by banishing them. But deandry chased the second suicide by using his lifebreak, which is “wash away”, targeting the third “Asakna”, which is banished to chased it. Dealing Deandry a total of 1200 damage…..if it is not chased by “Devotion for Sound and Heat”. Not long after those, Deandry only had 1400 life left, while Ipank had four cards left in his deck. This is the climax, it’s either Ipank first who deals damage enough to kill Deandry, or Deandry first that can force Ipank to draw all the cards in his deck. Currently, Ipank possess 1 “Flame Lance” in his hand, and 1 “Suicidal Troop of Asakna” in his field. He only need 1 more “Flame Lance” to finish Deandry, when suddenly Deandry use “New Stream”. Unable to do anything for respond, Ipank is forced to draw all the cards in his deck and taste defeat due to not able to draw card from his deck whose empty by now. After doing some siding, both player start their second round. This time Deandry is kinda unlucky since he did not get the magic stone he wanted and needed. He tried really hard to survive the game, while Ipank spams the field with his 2 cost Resonators to keep harrassing and damaging Deandry while maintaining his hand through “Ea, Mermaid of Wisdom’s” ability. During the late game, Deandry summoned his ace, “Rahab, the Emperor Dragon of Riptide.” But Rahab alone is not enough to defends himself from the swarm of 2 cost Resonators that attacked him this turn due to losing their summoning sickness because of the “Ushuah, the Flame Samurai Swordman’s” ability and attacked Deandry for the win. After having his revenge, Ipank and Deandry prepared their own deck for the third game. During the third round, Ipank succesfully adding three “Circle of Nullify” to “Labyrinth Master, Chronos,” nullifying all of his ability except the milling ability. This, of course, slowed Deandry deck’s speed and strategy drastically. Desperate for solution, Deandry keep spamming his field with Resonators that enable him to draw extra card, searching for any solution such as Rahab to release Chronos from the bind of “Circle of Nullify.” Having focused on searching for a solution from his deck, Deandry is able to survive because of cards such as “Morning Mist” and “Peace Negotiation,”. This also means that when he runs out of those card and having Chronos lost all of his abilities to deplete the opponent’s deck, Deandry is not as formidable as before. After having an intense battle between both player, Deandry can no longer stalls the game, nor defends himself from Ipank’s Resonator rampage. And there it is, the champion is standing there facing applauses from the spectators for the exciting game. Ipank won the game with 2-1 score and took the crown as the Force of Will Regional Champion for Asia Pacific in AFA-ID2014. These are Video link for Round 1 and Round 2.. youtube/watch?v=Edsq-UXPexM These are Video Link for Final Match Round 1.. youtube/watch?v=Uy__A3OzDJA (because of technical problem.. we cannot video the rest final match.. im sincerely apologize for that.. very very sorry.. but we give you step by step coverage on final match..)
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 10:54:08 +0000

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