Foreclosure Scholarship Program: Deadline:Dec. 15, 2013 at - TopicsExpress


Foreclosure Scholarship Program: Deadline:Dec. 15, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. ET Requirements: Here are the text requirements •Minimum 800 words •Maximum 2,000 Awards: Five winners will be selected •Top prize $5,000 •Second through fifth place will receive $1,000 each 2013 essay topic: Youve been tasked with analyzing two foreclosure properties to determine which one is a better investment. Many factors come into play, including cost, location, renovations (if necessary/desired) and local market conditions, among others. The goal is to maximize profit, whether it is a buy, hold or flip strategy over the short- and/or long-term. Please select a property, provide reasons that support the decision, detail your investment strategy, describe all that you would do (improvements, rehab, etc.) and how it would impact your potential bottom line. To view the two subject foreclosure properties click here. About the scholarship program: Foreclosure has issued $36,000 in scholarship money to 20 college students nationwide since the program was introduced in 2009. Each year, the company challenges future leaders of America to provide creative solutions/ideas to many of the nations most critical issues, real estate/housing in particular, which can be used to help turnaround the market. Foreclosure Scholarship Program at a Glance Foreclosure is breaking new ground by offering a scholarship program. Currently enrolled college students (graduate students, law students and/or high school seniors are NOT eligible) are invited to apply by submitting an essay. Freshman entering Fall 2013 are eligible once they have received a student ID number. Essay Topic: Youve been tasked with analyzing two foreclosure properties to determine which one is a better investment. Many factors come into play, including cost, location, renovations (if necessary/desired) and local market conditions, among others. The goal is to maximize profit, whether it is a buy, hold or flip strategy over the short- and/or long-term. Please select a property, provide reasons that support the decision, detail your investment strategy, describe all that you would do (improvements, rehab, etc.) and how it would impact your potential bottom line. To view the two subject foreclosure properties click here. Deadline: Dec. 15, 2013 Requirements: Minimum 800 words, Maximum 2,000 Awards: Five winners will be selected •Top prize $5,000 •Second through fifth place will receive $1,000 each Questions or comments regarding the essay or the Foreclosure Scholarship Program can be sent to scholarship@foreclosure. Or call us at 561.988.9669 ext. 7387.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 15:49:09 +0000

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