Forever boycott israhell until they return Palestine back to - TopicsExpress


Forever boycott israhell until they return Palestine back to Canaanites AKA true Amalekites the seven indigenous tribes. Non violence, peaceful resistance where it hurts Zionists most their pocketbook!! Keep up the goodwork to condemn, create awareness, expose Zionist genocide, war crimes and murders of civilians,. We remember, honor and cry out for murdered babies and mothers! There is only Palestine! No israhell and Zionism. Passive resistance worked for Ghandi! Only way to get ashkenazi, khazar jews to share two state solution or eventually to surrender Palestine is world condemnation, boycott,sanctions,divestment, by exposing holohoax as the root cause and reason for stealing palestine.there is no israhell period its all Palestine. Khazar have nukes by Samson effect most countries cannot pry khazars from palestine. But we must double our efforts to expose holohoax. Who can refute or deny holohoax? Right , no one. So please do your part daily as service to humanity and God to return one day Palestine restored. God damn the zionists to hell. They are damned as synagogues of satan as gurin, sharon,Begin,trotsky, lenin,kaganovich, yagoda, netanyahu, trotsky,... are all in hell forever to name a few household names of jewish mass murderers. We cannot pry Palestine from Zionist cold hands but we can shame them on world stage.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:52:20 +0000

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