Forget? Never!!!!!!!!!! This TRAITOR & ENEMY killed many of our - TopicsExpress


Forget? Never!!!!!!!!!! This TRAITOR & ENEMY killed many of our soldiers in the Vietnam War - My Uncle was one of them. My uncle was just 18 and a newly graduate from high school when he went over to Vietnam. After being wounded in battle in Vietnam my uncle returned home to a veterans hospital where he remained until his death. I was only nine at the time. My uncles life along with how many countless others died way too soon, lives cut way too soon due to the actions & the traitor propaganda pushed by Hanoi Jane. No, I will never forget. How can I ? Her actions & her mouth killed so many innocent lives and destroyed so many families in the process of her words and deeds. It is her words & actions that she bestowed and publicly displayed for all the world to view & see that killed my uncle and destroyed the lives of many individuals in my family. It is because she is Hanoi Jane. Her actions & words against our veterans got lots more American soldiers killed. I and my family and how many other countless families have to continue to live without our loyal loving relatives due to her treasonous actions and her treasonous words against those who served in our military in Vietnam. Shame on her! She is still a traitor & enemy, no matter where she goes or where she lives, or how long she lives - Jane Fonda is a TRAITOR & ENEMY. SHE IS STILL & WILL ALWAYS REMAIN A DISGRACE THROUGHOUT HER LIFE. Because of her wreckless & irresponsible actions & words the dynamics of my moms entire family changed. When my moms dad, my grandfather, heard that his son was severely wounded in Vietnam and was then transferred back home stateside to a veterans hospital - my grandfather soon after my uncles release to the veterans home died. My moms mom, was from this point on never the same. My mom & my dad, were never the same. The entire dynamics of our family changed all do to the LIES & ACTIONS of THIS TRAITOR. Its hard to forget. So many things changed do to the LIES & ACTIONS of Hanoi Jane & the only reason she took the stance she did was because she wanted a photo op & some public publicity. Well, she got what she wanted. Lots of public publicity. Its a shame that she currently thinks as she did when she got the press coverage she did. Shes all too absorbed in her own little insignificant life. When the eyes of the world were on her in those 60s public interviews the only thing she was thinking about then was her own public persona than the lives of all our military service men in Vietnam whom she put and they were in harms way. Shame on her. Yet today, trying to gain sympathy for the public of today, she still claims she does not understand. She can not really be that stupid. Once a traitor always a traitor. Nothing she does or could do in the future could ever make up for all the American lives she has killed, maimed & harmed by her actions. She claims she is still misunderstood. It is not surprising that she is trying to claim ignorance. She is a total waste of human life. Shame on her. She is as you have said STILL FULL OF BS & SHE IS STILL A TOTAL DISGRACE.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 19:17:42 +0000

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