Forget what you know about popcorn, if you havent yet tried - TopicsExpress


Forget what you know about popcorn, if you havent yet tried this. BASIC POPCORN RECIPE *Organic popcorn *Coconut oil *Braggs liquid aminos (use the spray bottle for even distribution) *Nutritional yeast ~Cover the bottom of a large pot with popcorn and 1-2 tbsp coconut oil ~Heat on med/high and stir until oil is melted and kernels are covered ~Reduce heat to med/low and wait for corn to begin popping ~Once your pot is partially full of popped corn, remove lid (only if popping kernels no longer jump out) and stir while the rest of the kernels pop ~Spray small amount of Braggs on popped corn and sprinkle with nutritional yeast and stir. ~Continue adding the two ingredients until corn has the flavor desired Notes: *Kids love this recipe, and so will anyone who is open to popcorn tasting any other way than buttered or butter flavored. *Microwaved popcorn lets off extremely toxic chemicals and is best banned from your household forever. *Nutritional yeast has a cheesy flavor an excellent source of B complex vitamins (and is often fortified with B12) *Bragg’s Liquid Aminos is gluten-free and tasted a bit like soy sauce. It is very salty so use sparingly FANCY POPCORN Add one or all of the following ingredients to the BASIC RECIPE to spice & flavor up your popcorn even more: Turmeric powder Onion and/or garlic powder Cayenne powder Dulse flakes Notes: *Turmeric powder is an anti-inflammatory and will give your popcorn (and your hands) a yellow tint *Easy on the cayenne, a little goes a long way. I use cayenne to help SLOW DOWN consumption, although popcorn is a wonderful snack, and better than junky-processed options by far. *Dulse is a seaweed that (like all seaweed) is loaded with minerals. Use a small shake of dulse and/or kelp powder whenever possible to bring up the mineral count in your diet. Seaweed provides trace minerals, which your body only needs in very small amounts. ENJOY! Popcorn is one of our accepted snacks, in healthy moderation, on the 10 day candida cleanse, starting on January 5th. Get the info by clicking link below. Register now for early-bird pricing. events.constantcontact/register/event?llr=njxbttcab&oeidk=a07eabgqhrca27509c5
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 21:27:33 +0000

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