Forgive me for the rant....I just cant help myself sometimes. - TopicsExpress


Forgive me for the rant....I just cant help myself sometimes. ;) I am an 8th grade reading teacher. I love my job and my students, wouldnt change my profession for the world. I am dishearten by the lack of enjoyment for reading my babies have. I am appalled by the lack of knowledge of their country, state, or even neighborhood. I am frustrated that I have to teach the way someone else wants me to; even though I teach it my way I have figured out I am still teaching to a standardize test just with flair. I observe those around me who are sick to their stomachs, tired, stressed out, and barely maintaining a calm and professional appearance in front of students that we are all riding a downward spiral with in education. I am waiting for the floor to crash under us all and wondering who will pick up the pieces. I understand the concept behind needing to know where our students are at academically but until we understand where they are developmentally and socially we are going to lose an entire generation or two. I am also quite aware of how evaluations work in a profession however, holding me or others accountable for just one test that makes or breaks more than just the student...try not only the student but also the teacher, the school, the district, the state, the federal, and then how we look in front of the world. I might be a reading teacher, but I am also now a social studies teacher, a science teacher, a social skills teacher, a culturally diverse teacher, a guidance counselor, a parent, a law officer, a lawyer, a doctor, hell I am even a math teacher now and I hate math... yes this list could go on but I believe you get the picture. The one thing I am though most of all is a proud veteran who is absolutely horrified at what I hold dear to my heart...and that is this what was once a great nation is now a nation that is falling apart from the inside out.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 13:55:20 +0000

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