Forgive this more personal post but…It’s been quite a - TopicsExpress


Forgive this more personal post but…It’s been quite a ‘Yes’ day and I have to share it with you. Firstly, what a buzz there was out on the streets today, with badges and window posters flying of the campaign table and so many super conversations to be had. The comments were many and included “I listened to my father and he’s persuaded me from a no to a yes.” “We’ve been giving it a lot of thought and we can’t see any reason not to vote yes.” “We’ve decided it makes absolute sense that we make our own decisions.” “I’m interested in voting Yes but can you give me more information on…” And to frame it all, the sound of tooting horns was to be heard as cars passed by and voiced their support. This result alone would have been enough to have pleased me today, but it didn’t stop there! Once home, a Facebook status popped up on a friend’s page. To say this friend is a No voter s, quite simply, an understatement. In fact, I was certain BT blood ran through their very veins! Their status stated, “I’ve been doing a lot of reading recently and now have to be honest and declare there are some very appealing points in the Yes argument.” Having only just lifted my jaw of the floor, an email then arrives from my mother, informing me of how my father, who has recently moved to a yes from a no, is now rampantly trying to convert all of his friends. Yip, it’s been a good day. However, what perfectly rounds it off is the sound that I hear right now through my open window as I sit and type on this laptop. It’s the sound of a Yes flag flapping on the flagpole in my neighbour’s front garden – it’s a beautiful sound.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 21:45:25 +0000

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