Forgiven For Free Luke 24:47 Repentance because of forgiveness - TopicsExpress


Forgiven For Free Luke 24:47 Repentance because of forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. Looking back at the premise of forgiveness, my WHOLE concept has CHANGED. God didnt NEED Jesus to forgive us. Thats right, I said God didnt NEED Jesus to forgive us. Follow my logic please. Too begin with, the bible was written in a CONTEXT OF CULTURE at the time it was written, which means words like REDEMPTION, Hell etc. are NOT APPLICABLE to OUR time/culture. Im NOT saying those terms are not applicable but in the sense they were used at THAT TIME/CULTURE, are not applicable to ours. Michael Kaminski asked a question I had been pondering for several months but didnt post as it would be a lengthy note (as this is) that I didnt feel like posting due to my tiredness from work but wanted too. Im just in the mood to do so now. I always want to provide a foundation for what I say or post, therefore to answer Michaels question, of which he probably has already come to the conclusion thereof, Im answering MY conclusion which CANNOT be disputed except on the premise of a PREDISPOSED INTERPRETATION of scripture which DOESNT determine the truth or validity anything. Psalms 50:12 If I were hungry, I would not tell you. If God had an appetite for sacrifice (food, drink, behavior etc.) if He had a need for, if He craved a sacrifice of any sort, He would NOT tell us. God himself said I would NOT tell you, therefore to say God revealed His heart OF SACRIFICE is a LIE!!!!! God would NOT tell YOU!!!! Think of THIS: I am NOT served by HUMAN HANDS. I GIVE LIFE & BREATH AND EVERYTHING ELSE TO EVERY LIVING CREATURE. Acts 17:25 How do we reconcile God telling Abraham to sacrifice his son & then, Abrahams response to Issac, God will provide Him self a lamb in terms of penal substitute? Going back over terms such as sacrifice, redemption, forgiveness, it is easy to be predisposed to interpretations of penal, wrathful, angry or a punishing judgment when filtered through the lack of revelation of Gods love & a clogged filter full of guilt & condemnation. The law has contributed to much of a distorted interpretation concerning those terms. Love doesnt seek its own, therefore God never sought a Bloody deathy sacrifice but rather the opposite, a Life giving living sacrifice being Christ who sacrificed the life He had before with the Father to becoming a human to dwell among us revealing the true nature of God by His response to man, in One man, by His everyday approach towards humanity, healing, providing, accepting etc. Abraham could rightly say God will provide Him self a lamb because it was Gods idea all along to send the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world into mans hand. Humanity, before being born again by the resurrection, 1 Pet.1:13, imputed our sins, our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, bruising the Prince of Peace by our hand. Jesus is the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world because before the foundation of the world, the Father knew we would slay Him. Jesus raising from the dead was Gods receipt or proof of purchase that He did not charge nor hold us accountable for putting Him to death. Jesus laid down His life into humanities violent hand and then cleared humanity once all of our sins were laid on Him by humanity. Humanity, was by nature, the children of our own wrath, we were never children of Gods wrath, other than His positive passion in redeeming us from our own violence by us placing all of our violence on the Lamb to then slay Him. He forgave our violence by allowing us to place it upon Him. When Jesus died AS us, FOR us, BY us, all of our imputing upon Him died with Him. For me to redeem you, I must first meet you on a level playing field. The light of my love breaks the darkness I submit to. The true interpretation of sacrifice is found in LIFE not death. The LIFE of the flesh is in THE BLOOD, therefore God interprets sacrifice as LIFE not DEATH. Christ died BY us, FOR us, AS us to give us freely, the death WE needed and the sacrifice WE believed WE needed to offer. Ps.40:6 God doesnt DESIRE nor REQUIRE sacrifice for sin BUT WE DID REQUIRE IT IN OUR DARKNESS, in the enemies in our own mind. In the beginning of our beginning, we were always found in Him to BE not BECOME, holy, without blame and above reproach in His sight, before Him in Love. It took His LIVING to REVEAL our beginning in Him. Did we sin? Yes in NOT BELIEVING our true origin in Who we came from in His image & likeness. Did we need to die to our blindness/darkness/deception? Yes! God provided the death we needed, that humanity gave to Him by humanities hand, but WE CONSIDERED Him smitten of God when in reality, He was smitten by US, in our darkness, in the self defense of our own self-righteous law belief. The law is the ministry of death, the law made sin abound to the degree that the law in humanity put an innocent Man to death. That is how perverted belief in the law is, it kills the very thing we believe it can give life to. Jesus didnt Pay for our sins for us TO BE forgiven, for then forgiveness isnt forgiveness when a debt is PAID. The light company forgives me by demonstrating leaving my lights on even WHILE I havent paid the bill, but, if I pay it to keep it on, Im not forgiven for Ive Paid my dues. If Jesus Paid for our forgiveness, then WHO did He pay if Love doesnt seeks its own? We are admonished not to owe any man anything except to love him, therefore the only thing God owed Humanity was the love that created him.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 09:38:31 +0000

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