Forgiveness : So then , my beloved , just as you have always - TopicsExpress


Forgiveness : So then , my beloved , just as you have always obeyed , not as in my presence only , but now much more in my absence , work out your salvation with fear and trembling ; for it is God who is at work for His good pleasure . Why do we hold on to hurts masked by unforgiveness ? We love , because He first loved us . When old hurts and hang ups come up think of Jesus Christ on the cross . IT WAS FOR FREEDOM THAT CHRIST SET US FREE ; THEREFORE KEEP STANDING FIRM AND DO NOT BE SUBJECT AGAIN TO A YOKE OF SLAVERY . THEREFORE , MY BELOVED BRETHREN , BE STEADFAST , IMMOVABLE , ALWAYS ABOUNDING IN THE WORK OF THE LORD , YOUR TOIL IS NOT IN VAIN . And become useful and helpful and kind to another , loving-hearted forgiving one another ( readily and freely) ,as God in Christ for gave you . Old habits die hard , and letting go of resentment means : Recommitting to your decision as many times as old thoughts of forgiveness pops into your head . Living a life free from the burden of resentment and the toxicity of unforgiveness is a choice followed by a series of choices . Each one becomes easier as we move farther from our old ways and into the light .
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 04:30:02 +0000

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