Fork In The Road : Epi Aug 6 In life, we have all experienced - TopicsExpress


Fork In The Road : Epi Aug 6 In life, we have all experienced that fork in the road when we have to make some of the biggest decisions in our life. What separates a weak person from a strong person is the path taken after hitting this fork. Nikhat: Once again, Nikhat showed her mettle today when she asked Haseena bi to leave her house and break her relationship off with Imran. For a woman who has been brought up in an extremely conservative environment and made to believe that she is ‘dark and ugly,’ this was a momentous decision. She could have cowed down, taken the easier path of silence and suffered in a highly stressful marriage. Today, she stood up for herself and for her father. She has seen her father bend over backwards to accommodate Haseena bi’s demands but when the rubber band was stretched beyond its limits, it snapped. Rashid: This man has probably been at several forks all his life. He has faced so many such decisions that I am sure he is a pro at making choices. We have usually seen him take the easier path (so far because we don’t know the whole Dilshaad vs Shireen story yet)- the path of silence and status quo- but today, he stood up for his daughter and severed their relationship with Haseena and Imran. Again-a colossal step for a man like Rashid. Imraan: He is a mystery to me. We have seen him bribing a whore to keep her mouth shut, remain silent when his ammi berates his would be in laws and now threaten to commit suicide if not united with someone whom he claims he loves. To me, he is just a weak man who chooses the easier path at each fork in the road. If he had broken up with Najma three years ago, why does he want her now? Why does he call her when he is threatening suicide? Why does he shove money into Tanveer’s purse when he wants to stay out of trouble? Never trust a man like Imran because he will always take the easier way out. Najma: Poor tamatar. How old was she when she broke up with her boyfriend? In kindergarten (JK)? Looks like, at some point she had broken up with a guy but for some reason, he seems to be haunting her these days. She never looked distressed or heartbroken before. So, does that mean, this ex- boyfriend (assuming it’s Imran) has recently tried to re-enter her life? She is also at cross roads then. Should she accept him back or ask him to leave? We don’t know the circumstances behind their breakup but if Tanveer was definitely in the picture as recently as 3-4 months ago, Najma needs to take the tough decision of leaving Imran at the fork and find someone more suitable for her. Asad: Asad has recently come out of one of the most precarious situations in his life. He is a relieved man but a man on a mission- how to make his beloved happy and fulfill all her wishes. Today, when he broke her music box, one could see how guilty he felt. He went back to self-loathing mood when he found out the truth about Tanveer and Zoya’s abbu. Right now, for Asad, all his paths lead to one destination- Zoya. At every fork, he will continue to take the path that makes Zoya happy. It doesn’t matter how hard that route would be. Just like his Sallu, star, pizza and moon act, he will make sure he re unites Zoya with her abbu. This is going to be his toughest challenge but I am sure he will accomplish it- if not by Eid, then in the near future for sure. Zoya: Just like Asad, she has been at crossroads many times and just recently, took the toughest decision of her life when she chose Asad’s freedom and happiness over her own quest for her abbu. Just like Asad, she will always choose the path that leads to happiness for her loved ones. Zoya is an expert at this game. How many times has she gotten into trouble because of the road taken vs not taken? I am curious to see what happens when her abbu does actually appear in front of her eyes. Knowing that she loves to reach out to her loved ones, I have a feeling she will take that difficult path that leads her to her abbu. She will try her best to appease him, win him over but will Ghafoor be worth all that effort? Only time will tell. Interesting Observations Today: 1. Rashid and Ghafoor’s discussion on daughters, their happiness, image in society. What a foreshadowing of the future track. Can I see Ghafoor at crossroads in the near future? 2. Music box- shattered and fixed by Asad. Even though he will help shatter the illusion for Zoya, he will do everything to help her mend that relationship with her father. In the end, it will be Zoya who breaks her relationship with abbu and returns to Asad. Will Asad send her to SM in the first place? Let’s see. 3. Asad and Zoya color coordination- was damn cute! They are on the same boat, same page and same side of the fence –finally. Loved the fact that all the main characters were given a chance to emote and act today. QH has a great ensemble and I love to see all of them getting a share of the limelight.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 18:06:45 +0000

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