Former Arkansas Governor and Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee - TopicsExpress


Former Arkansas Governor and Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee is currently on a week long visit in Israel on what has been defined as a fact-finding tour, focused on the challenges facing Israelis in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, as well as the threat of anti-Israel de-legitimization efforts such as the BDS movement. Huckabee, immediately after landing in Israel, went directly to the home of Avi and Rachel Frenkel, parents of Naftali, one of the abducted teens, an American citizen. I went to offer support, to give them strength, Huckabee told reporters Tuesday (Jun. 24) morning, and I went away with them giving me strength. They are a remarkable family, a family of faith, and their faith gives them a real sense of optimism. Huckabee was asked how he would act in regards to the current abductees’ crisis in Israel if he were president. Naftali Frenkel is an American citizen. Because he is a citizen we have not only an emotional response but a constitutional duty to ensure that the whole world understands that this takes it to a new level for the US. You kidnap an American citizen; now all bets are off. You hurt that kid and you dont want to know what the results would be. One of the sides is a kidnapped child. The other is a kidnapper. The two sides here are good and evil. Evil kidnaps children. Good does all it can to get those children back and to punish anyone who would be a part of that. Tazpit News Agency Photo credit: Tazpit News Agency Jeremy Wimpfheimer.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 13:19:06 +0000

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