Former Bishop(FB) Chomba has managed to steal the hearts of many - TopicsExpress


Former Bishop(FB) Chomba has managed to steal the hearts of many Zambians but allow me to open this book about his life which he wouldnt like a lot of people to read. First myself am a born again christian under the UCZ at lubuto congregation in Ndola and am also a sunday school teacher. FB Chomba was brought up on the copperbelt in mufulira, he wanted to become a reverent in UCZ but was rejected because he had certain traits that did not marry with being reverent. After this he applied to study theology in the United States under the orthodox cosmopolitan church which made him a bishop to lead missionaries. It is in these missionaries that FB Chombas true character was exposed. Wherever FB Chomba went for missionary work he married until he went to the UK where he married, impregnated a woman and run away. But this gallant woman who was impregnated by FB chomba took it upon herself to expose this man. After the news reached the management of the orthodox church he was excommunicated somewhere in 2009 to 2010. He came back to Zambia and jumped into the PF ship to find solace against the tempest storms after him. He went round zambia preaching PF until he was told to go to mufulira his home and have his name nominated for MP. But he was not nominated because of the prideful arrogant words he used against the leaders of mufulira PF district leadership. Chomba told the leaders that ...... mufulira will be cased if am not nominated.......Upon seeing that he had messed up his political opportunity he went into oblivion for sometime and resurrected in public life as an exorcist charismatic preacher in UCZ (his old church). FB Chomba found his way to the UCZ pulpit because his old friends had become the Bishops and influential members of the church. I am not the first one to call him a bigamist. FTJ Chiluba called him bigamist on radio when FTJ was reacting to FB Chombas allegations of corruption against him. FTJ said FB Chomba had five wives and one was just next door in malawi. When FB Chomba discovered that FTJ was going to expose him he stopped attacking him. FB Chomba has failed to accept that he is no longer a Bishop but a political carda.That is why when ever is preaching he says there is no thing like former bishop, once a bishop always a bishop. He is Chrislamist! (a new religion trying to unify Christianity and Islam) and that is why he is always saying ....Lesa tewabena kilistu beka..... and sometimes prays in arabic before congregants. FB Chomba while preach at Lubuto UCZ once said that he is a good friend with that Manifested demon called Lady Gaga who is almost always necked in her videos. The reason for him saying that was to convince teenagers who were there that to be like Gaga is normal. FB Chomba is attacking HH because he fears that hell be handed over to the U.S.A to face his crimes bigamy
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 11:29:24 +0000

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