Former Chief Justice of India Mr. P Sathasivam is tipped to be the - TopicsExpress


Former Chief Justice of India Mr. P Sathasivam is tipped to be the next Governor for the State of Kerala.. I personally disapprove, condemn & criticize the making of the former Chief Justice of India P Sathasivam the Governor for the State of Kerala.. to my mind, there should be particular propriety and decorum observed before an Officer of Judiciary is appointed head of the Executive organ of the State (Art 12, separation of power being the basic structure of Constitution of India) a cooling-off period should be mandatorily obligated and required before any Judicial Officer is appointed by the cabinet to a constitutional office.. It is only in the interest of Judiciary to not allow retired Judges to jump-off the fence so soon (almost immediately) and join Executive wing of the State before the cooling-off period ends.. Nation should not get an opportunity to criticize, disapprove of and cast unfounded aspersions on Judiciary and reek a Judicial-Executive nexus.. It’s no one’s case or argument that.. there is shortage, dearth or lack of former/retired Supreme Court or High Court Judges - who have been languishing since long.. why then Cabinet should show undue curiosity, interest and hast in appointing former Chief Justice of India P Sathasivam the Governor for the State of Kerala. Needs a constitutional debate on this issue..
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 06:40:15 +0000

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