Former Jehovahs Witness speaks out: I am writing as a - TopicsExpress


Former Jehovahs Witness speaks out: I am writing as a dissenting and/or faded JW. I was baptized in 1990 at the District Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses, but was raised in what they term “ the truth” since birth. So what I write here comes from experience as a person who was a JW for over 20 years! I was incorrectly taught that Jesus was Michael in his pre-human existence, although such terms as “pre-human” or “pre-existence” do not appear in the Christian Greek Scriptures at all and we know that we are taught according to our NWT translation (1 Corinthians 4:6). You may learn the [rule]: “Do not go beyond the things that are written. Since we are taught not to go beyond what is written in scripture, why would we dogmatically proclaim that Jesus was Michael, which is a statement nowhere directly stated in scripture? It was admitted in conversation with Greg Deuble (See They Never Told Me This in Church! Appendix 2 pg. 428) that the JW position is purely inference, which Greg Deuble properly clarifies : “it is not clearly stated teaching in Scripture. Thus it would be hypocritical to adhere to 1 Cor 4:6 in our refutation of the trinity, but not in our Christology. Where can our current seven members of the Governing Body of Jehovahs Witnesses produce a single text which expressly says that Jesus is Michael? How is it that seven men can state that the Watchtower Society is God’s chosen organization to teach them what he wants them to know, and that all of God’s directions to mankind come through this one “channel of communication, when not one of the seven members have a Master’s Degree in Religious Studies? In fact it is often perceived that within our movement a College Education is looked at as a negative. We have in many cases been poorly taught by Watchtower articles that were written at an eighth grade level or below, and we have been subject to much anti-intellectualism. My aim here is to encourage JW’s to demonstrate that fine Berean attitude recorded in Acts 17:11, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so. So don’t be captives to a concept. Please check those who are teaching us. With prayer and deep concern I write to encourage you to scrutinize what we have been taught.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 18:11:21 +0000

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