Former Member of Parliament for Mt Elgon constituency, Fred - TopicsExpress


Former Member of Parliament for Mt Elgon constituency, Fred Kapondi has lashed out at the council of governors chairman who is the Bomet Governor, Isaac Ruto and the *pesa mashinani* and Cords *Okoa Kenya *proponents as selfish individuals out to enrich themselves at the expense of the entire nation. Kapondi who was addressing the media today flanked by executive members of the United Republican Party (URP), at the party’s Bungoma offices dismissed the referendum campaign for allocation of more resources at the grass roots as meant to benefit few individuals and vowed to mobilize the county to oppose the *pesa mashinani* and* Okoa Kenya *campaign. “Isaac Ruto wants money for his selfish ends. We were with him in parliament and he had no money but now he uses a helicopter every day; where did he get money from to hire a helicopter and yet one pays shs. 700,000 per day?” Retorted Kapondi Kapondi said that the public demands for more service delivery from the county governments instead of empty politics adding that most of the proponents of the *pesa za mashinani* and *Okoa Kenya* campaigns wanted more money to squander as they had realized that they would not be re-elected again. “Why can’t they account first for the little they received before they ask for more money?” said Kapondi Kapondi wondered why Cord leader Raila Odinga had made a change of mind to mutilate the constitution when he was at the fore front in the campaign for the new constitution and had vowed to protect the new constitution. “Some of us rejected the constitution but after being taken to courtwe later supported it ; Why should Raila and the supporters of the new constitution now turn against their own baby when they said ‘katiba ni sasa hivi’ (we want the constitution now).Hypocrisy should not be allowed to thrive,” said Kapondi However in a quick rejoinder the national organizing secretary for Ford Kenya Wafula Wakoli dismissed the sentiments echoed by the erstwhile Member of Parliament and challenged him to show what he had done for the people of Mount Elgon for the time he was in parliament. “Kapondi failed as a member of parliament as schools were in a poor state, roads were impassable, many girls were impregnated and dropped out of school and he should be the last person to reject the referendum campaign,” said Wakoli. He added that the referendum campaign was unstoppable as the national government had failed to spend a single project in the county and challenged Kapondi to name a project initiated from the 85% revenue retained by the national government in the county in the last financial year. “We are going to mobilize the public to give signatures for the referendum and get more resource allocation at the grass roots for devolution to work effectively,” he added Wakoli challenged Kapondi to resign from public service before he could actively engage in politics as it was unconstitutional for public servants to engage in party politics. “As a civil servant he should not open party offices, but if he is tired to serve the public then Kapondi should resign and allow other members of the Sabaot community to take up his position
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 07:50:05 +0000

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