Former Muslims Who Are Male[ edit] I left Islam after - TopicsExpress


Former Muslims Who Are Male[ edit] I left Islam after being skeptical for years. I did thorough research and had discussion with countless religious people and listened to many lectures by noble muslim preachers, and ironically still doing so. I just cant live with thinking that it is okay to see others as people with less rights than me, even in the claimed after-life. I could never see any religion anything more than a system of thoughts that was laid down by a great thinker and evolved from previous philosophies. As long as my brain is on, I wont give up to myths. Tareq Sharafy, 24, Israel, now an agnostic I used to be a good Muslim until I grew up and searched for the truth. I learnt a lot about Islam as Im in the most populated Islamic country. Thanks to the internet I found many facts against what I have been previously taught before by Islamic scholars. I found that Islam is full of fallacies and leads to insane and satanic behavior, really inhumane and crazy. Then I started thinking and decided that everyone is born as an atheist. I do hope that god exists but I cant deny that god is not, well, at least I dont have the proof so else millions like me. So I will just keep my eyes of mind open to think and live my life free from burden dogmas. Thanks to WikiIslam and all atheists, agnostics, and secular humanists for keeping up the fight against terrorism and educating those who are blinded by faith. Gon Candu, 33, Indonesia, now an atheist When I came in touch with the sites,,, mukto- mona, I started to think differently. These sites helped me to find the gaps of all religion including Islam. Fawad Ahmed, 23, Bangladesh, now an atheist I left Islam because of my sister. She refused to accept a rival wife to share her husband. This was an eye-opener to me. Other factors which made me to hate Islam were the oppression of women and the killing of innocent people in south of Sudan in the name of Jihad. I have written a novel which reveals the cruelty of Islam towards women. It is called: Intisar: A Story of a Muslim Girl. Dr. A.A.Ahmed, Sudan, now a Christian I was born and raise a Muslim. My father had no problem with delivering harsh beatings on me for making mistakes when he was teaching me the Quran. Naturally, I spent the first 14 years of my life thinking that this was the true religion, and that I would go to hell. I was always convinced that Islam was true due to the Quran miracle claims which were all over the web, which satisfied me into thinking that I was definitely following the true religion, despite the fact that, being the fool I was at the time, I had not even bothered to READ the miracle claims. Ironically, it was Wikiislam that caused me to have doubts about my faith. I stumbled upon it while searching for information about my religion, and decided to have a look round. I came across the page detailing scientific errors in the Quran. Being the naive person I was, I couldnt believe that the Holy Quran would have scientific errors. I began investigating further into these errors, and I soon found that these WERE genuine errors, meaning that the Quran was indeed false. Therefore, I secretly declared myself an apostate, and became a supporter of Ali Sina, Richard Dawkins and the Council of Ex Muslims. Ultimately, I am glad that I have left Islam, and am happy at the freedom I now have since leaving this religion. I would like to thank Wikiislam for providing me with the turning point in my life, and giving me the information I needed to leave this awful Religion. Lord Demahom, 14, United Kingdom, now an agnostic 9/11 probably opened my eyes. I realized that Islam at its best couldnt re- invent itself or adapt to the changing world. I realized also, its the reason for all failures of Arabs and Muslims. Yet Islam is apologetic to every medieval notion, the way it treats women, other non-believers and religions, solving simple problems of life other than Halal/ Haraam and just branding others as blasphemous. This religion goes against my mind and values, that is why I left it. Zaheer Ahmad, 29, Pakistan, now a Catholic Christian I was always questioning shariah law and several Islamic law toward women such in heritage, polygamy, full obedience toward husband, etc. But my clerics always said that its only Allah knows what is real justice and fairness. Basically they said that I should not trust my conscience.... Then I was disturbed about some news about acid attacks to women in many Islamic countries just because they wanted to go to school, do not obey their parents or husband, I said enough is enough. I use google to find the answers and somehow I found this website. Everything becomes really clear to me that actually thats how the Muhammads teaching. Violence towards women is actually part of Islamic way of life even during Muhammads era. I opened my collection of Islamic literatures, surprisingly, they confirmed what is written in this website. I was a shock revelation really. I feel cheated. After all these years of suffering just to find our that my religion is false... Revelation, 50, now an atheist I read the material in the debates section 2 of It was enough to see that Islam is not a divinely inspired religion. Since the Quran has been shown to contain errors of anatomy, geography, history, biology, astronomy, grammar, logic etc. it cannot be from God. If there are so many errors it must be man- made. So if the Quran is man- made, then the whole Islamic religion is man- made. While I believe God could exist, He may also be just human mental construct. I do not know, so I am an Agnostic. I am open to further information to prove it one way or the other. I found numerous Quran chapters (Surahs) to be extremely hateful and violent. Thus if being a Muslim means I cannot have friendships with Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists or Atheists, etc then I do not want Islam to imprison me. I love Muslims but I hate Islam. Bread, China, now an agnostic
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 05:11:08 +0000

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