Former Tasmanian premier Paul Lennon ejected from Melbourne’s - TopicsExpress


Former Tasmanian premier Paul Lennon ejected from Melbourne’s Crown Casino FORMER Tasmanian premier Paul Lennon has been manhandled by security guards and fined by police after a humiliating night at Crown Casino in Melbourne. Hundreds of patrons in Crown’s Las Vegas Bar watched as Mr Lennon was subdued by security staff, had his wrists trussed behind his back with cable ties, and was frogmarched out of the building to waiting police officers. Witnesses told the Mercury Mr Lennon had refused directions from security staff to leave the premises after he had created a disturbance in the bar while playing Texas hold’em poker. They said he had berated a woman after accusing her of touching his casino chips. Victoria Police confirmed that a Tasmanian man, 58, from Broadmarsh, had been fined $738 for failing to leave ­licensed premises in Southbank last Thursday. The incident happened about 11.30pm. Mr Lennon has confirmed the incident occurred but has denied any wrongdoing. One witness was a former Tasmanian who now lives in Melbourne. He said he had watched the drama unfold for about an hour. “Lennon was in the Vegas Bar by himself, sitting at the next table to us,” said Steven, who asked that his surname be withheld. “A woman at his table touched one of his chips and he went off at her. “He made a twit of himself and interrupted everyone. The woman was very upset. “A security guard told him to calm down but he was angry and kept on shouting, ­demanding that the woman be told to leave the bar. “Security came back repeatedly to tell him to quieten down. After an hour they’d had enough and asked him to leave. He wouldn’t go so they forcefully ejected him. “About five or six security people wrestled with him while they put yellow cable ties around his wrists behind his back. Lennon carried on like a child, squealing like an idiot. “Lennon said, ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ The security guys said they didn’t care who he was if he made trouble. “At one stage Lennon crashed against a wall, then the security guys marched him outside.” Mr Lennon says he was drinking water on the night and denies he was abusive. He says he was ejected after half an hour in the casino for breaking a rule in a $2 game when he licked his index finger before picking up cards. “It was, as far I’m concerned, a ridiculous episode,” he said when the Mercury visited his luxury Broadmarsh home north of Hobart. “I licked my finger, the index, before I looked at the cards, the dealer took offence and said I had to be removed. “So I was physically ­removed over that.” Mr Lennon said he didn’t recall saying anything to the female dealer. “I was asked to move away from the table, which I did, and then I was physically manhandled by the staff. “As far as I’m concerned that’s it.” Asked if too much force had been used, he said: “I don’t have any comment to make on that at all.” Mr Lennon said it was he who had asked for police to be called. “I think in all the circumstances it was best that they be called and that’s what happened,” he said. “I don’t believe I did anything wrong and I think anyone who was there on the night would bear that up.” Mr Lennon had been in Melbourne on a business trip and said he had gone to Crown to relax. He has had a controversial association with the Packer family-owned Crown casino over the years. In 2005, while he was still Tasmanian premier, Mr Lennon was heavily criticised for accepting an upgrade for a luxury six-star suite at Crown – worth more than $12,500 – after he had paid for a modest $200 room. The following week the Lennon State Government announced a $700 million internet betting licence had been awarded to the Packer-controlled company, Betfair. But he said he was unlikely to return to the casino after last week’s incident. “I can’t see any point,” he said yesterday. “I don’t know if the fact of who I was had anything to do with it. You’re left wondering. “I’d be surprised if anyone’s ever been asked to leave before because they licked their index finger before they looked at a card, but that’s what happened to me.” A Crown spokesman said: “Crown does not comment on whether any particular individual visits Crown nor discuss any detail of their visit.”
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 21:38:53 +0000

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