Former home secretary LEON Brittan was twice photographed in - TopicsExpress


Former home secretary LEON Brittan was twice photographed in ­compromising positions with naked boys, an ex social worker has claimed. Chris Fay, the former vice-chairman of social services at Greenwich council in London, said he saw the pictures in 1990 while looking into gay paedophile orgies at Elm Guest House. Last night Chris said: “I saw it with my own eyes, Brittan sitting with these boys. “This isn’t secondhand or hearsay – I saw it.” In the late 1980s Chris, working with the National Association of Young People In Care (NAYPIC), investigated claims of child abuse at Elm Guest House, which closed after a 1982 police raid. He said the brothel’s madam, Carole Kasir, kept copies of abuse photos taken there in a shoebox at her flat. Last night he described how she revealed its contents. He said: “Carole showed me eight photographs. Leon Brittan was in two of them. “In one he was naked except for a frilly apron and cap, a sort of French maid’s outfit. On his lap was a boy of about 12, ­prepubescent, stark naked. Carole described him as ‘a rent boy from Grafton’. “In the second picture, Brittan was wearing just briefs. There was a naked eight-year-old sitting sideways on his lap. He had his arms around this boy and another man was standing in the background.” Chris was investigating claims that boys from Grafton Close Children’s Home in ­Richmond, south-west London, were trafficked to the guest house. Documents made by him and published online by his former colleague Mary Moss name Lord Brittan as a guest house attendee. Brittan was said to use the alias “Roger” when he booked in. One of the services Elm Guest House provided was taking abuse photos for the entertainment of perverted punters. Chris added: “I’ll never forget being shown these photographs – it was the 23rd of March, 1990. I’ve still got all the notes I made that day. “The shoebox contained hundreds of photographs, a mix of Kodak Instamatic ones and normal 35mm. “The Kodak ones were taken at ‘Kings and Queens’ parties, the 35mm ones in the sauna.” Chris said the images were stolen from diabetic Carole in 1990. Two days later she died from an insulin overdose. An inquest ruled it was suicide but friends including Chris are convinced she was murdered. Chris told us: “At her inquest I said all of this and I named Leon Brittan in court. “Nothing happened. There was no police enquiry. “I feel bloody angry – it was a huge missed opportunity. “We had 22 victims contact us at NAYPIC, so this was not a victimless crime. “I just want justice for the kids. I’m angry he died. “All the kids at Grafton have been denied justice again.” Chris has ­confirmed he has been contacted by police investigating the Elm Guest House allegations.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 03:28:23 +0000

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