Former rebels can confirm that Ninoy provided the NPA with arms, - TopicsExpress


Former rebels can confirm that Ninoy provided the NPA with arms, training area and lodging. This was denied by liar Joma Sison, but his men states otherwise. Joma Sison is an expert of deception. gmanetwork/news/story/198820/news/specialreports/ninoy-networked-with-everyone-reds-included The Benefits of Cooperation According to “Joey, a former CPP politburo member, “I can confirm that Ninoy provided us with arms, a training area, and lodging. In exchange for this aid, the CPP-NPA would support Ninoy’s electoral bids. In the same 1989 interview with Drogin, Dante’s wife Fatima claimed, “They brought most of the wounded to Ninoys house. She adds that the rebels even “borrowed money from Ninoy. And he would pay doctors not to tell on the NPA. Salas, who served as the Party’s liaison officer with Aquino before martial law, told me a similar story. “We were the underground (UG) liaison officers. There were other people liaising with him through legal organizations, but we were strictly UG. We were trying to build an army. Prior to martial law, Salas, along with Ruben Tuazon, a former Ninoy employee turned NPA rebel, would visit Ninoy in his Times St. residence where they would wait for the senator in the kitchen. When Ninoy met them, he would give them guns (“at most, 3 at a time, says Salas), cash, or both. Salas recalls that Ninoy showed concern for his favorite NPA Commanders, asking questions like “How is Kumander Pusa? How is Kumander this and that? Salas himself brought wounded NPA soldiers either to Times St. or to the old Aquino residence in New Manila. Out of curiosity, I asked him if he ever saw Cory, to which he replied, “Yah we’d see her, but we never took notice of her. These meetings were just the tip of the iceberg. For Salas, Aquino significantly contributed to the expansion of the NPA. For example, he claims “Ninoy was very instrumental in helping the NPA enter Isabela through Mayor Dy [Faustino Dy Sr]. Dy wanted to run for governor of Isabela, but his opponent [a Marcos ally] had a private army. To aid his friend, Aquino brokered an alliance between the NPA and Dy. Salas recalls: “I remember we used Dy’s house as a base. I slept there myself when I was in Isabela. Sison’s account on NPA expansion in Isabela once again differs slightly from his successor: “At that time Faustino Dy was indeed pro-Ninoy against Marcos. But it was not Ninoy who introduced the NPA to then Cauayan mayor Dy. It was Ka Ruben Tuazon [the same Ruben Tuazon whom Salas claims helped him liaise with Ninoy], a peasant leader and member of the CPP Central Committee, who introduced the NPA to Dy.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 02:11:40 +0000

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