Fortunately, Roger Annis knows a heck of a lot more about Canada - TopicsExpress


Fortunately, Roger Annis knows a heck of a lot more about Canada than he does about Ukraine. Following are his excellent suggestions for building a new party of the left in Canada. * improving the Canada Pension Plan, restoring cuts to the unemployment insurance program and creating a national child care program * increasing social welfare incomes and services, including a vast program to build social housing * changing the discredited and deeply discriminatory temporary foreign worker program such that every foreign worker coming to Canada has a path to citizenship * preserving postal services, including door to door delivery, and expanding rail service throughout the country * investing in the vast societal shift needed to end the reliance on fossil fuels and end all the excess and waste that is driving global warming * financing needed social and environmental improvements by raising taxes on the wealthy, drastically cutting the military budget and nationalizing the banks * withdrawing Canada from imperialist military alliances such as NATO and from military adventures such as in Ukraine and eastern Europe. * Promoting Canadian solidarity with the Non-Aligned Movement, the UN Group of 77 countries + China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). * For Canadian withdrawal from the Organization of American States * decentralizing governing institutions in favour of local democracy * convening a constituent assembly to rewrite the Canadian constitution, including abolition of the unelected Senate and recognition of self-determination and political sovereignty for Quebec and First Nations
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 02:22:27 +0000

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