Forward On June 24, 1947, Kenneth Arnold described a series of - TopicsExpress


Forward On June 24, 1947, Kenneth Arnold described a series of crescent-shaped objects flying north of Mt. Rainier, likening their movement to saucers skipping on water. From this account, the term “Flying Saucers” was coined, and thus UFOs captured the interest and imagination of the entire world. Arnolds sighting was actually corroborated by a prospector by the name of Fred Johnson on Mt. Adams. He wrote AAF intelligence (Army Air Force – before the inception of the United States Air Force) that he saw six of the objects on June 24, which he viewed through a small telescope a little bit after the time that Arnold did, providing an almost identical description of these craft. He said they were round and tapered sharply to a point in the head and in an oval shape. He further noted that the objects created an electromagnetic disturbance causing the needle on his compass to oscillate. An evaluation of the witness by AAF intelligence at the time found him to be quite credible. Ironically, Johnsons account was listed as the first unexplained UFO report in Air Force files, while Arnolds was dismissed as a mirage despite the fact that Johnson had described a continuation of the same event as viewed by Arnold. (Arnold was regarded as a highly skilled and experienced pilot, with over 9,000 hours total flying time, half of which were devoted to Search and Rescue, and as a medical transport Mercy Flyer. Also for several years after his encounter with the Flying Saucers, he aided the United States Air Force in the investigation of UFOs, including the crash at Roswell.) The dismissal of Arnold’s report is typical of skeptics who are neither present at such occurrences nor seem to have any willingness to an open mind in treating such phenomena as genuine possibilities worthy of true scientific investigation. By their own words of condemnation, they also don’t hold to the credibility of even the most trained and reliable of witnesses in any regard. And yet, if these very same witnesses were to observe a crime in progress and give testimony in a court of law, it could be enough to convict any individual of the highest crimes. One has to then ask some simple questions: what is the motivation behind the words of these skeptics who are outwardly and so ardently opposed to any type of exploration, any scientific analysis, or any comprehensive research into the matter? Are they more concerned with the loss of their own reputations because the facts undercut any theories or opinions they may have espoused previously? Are they a part of an organized disinformation program that seeks to obscure the facts of truth from the general public, or are they merely unstable individuals who lack any capacity for common sense or any leaps of rational logic and thought? Their behavior is very curious indeed. Agreeably there have been numerous hoaxes, mistaken identifications, and unreliable if not total ‘kooks’ seeking their 15 minutes worth of fame by concocting outlandish stories of UFO encounters. However, the overwhelming majority of witnesses, which encompass police officers, pilots, astronauts, military personnel as well as observant average citizens, can hardly be lumped into the same group. And this is what this book is about, the quest of discerning true facts from rumors, misinformation, and pure fiction. This manuscript also has another motive, however. It was specifically written to debunk the irrational expounding of nonsense by some of these skeptics. These ardent so-called ‘debunkers’ have never been taken to task about the lunacy that they elucidate. By demeaning tones, technological mumble-jumbo, and the intimidation of their ‘lofty’ titles, these skeptics have bullied good law-abiding people into silence and for the sake of “mudding up the waters” of honest testimony to stymie further investigation. But we’ll endeavor clarify the truth, which these debunkers have concealed. And for these reasons, we are providing verifiable scientific explanations and facts to the most controversial and bizarre cases on record as well as asking the most provocative and challenging questions to cut away the veil of deception...simply because these queries demand forthright and logical answers. We believe no other book has ever done this before...but perhaps it will start a fashion. For when the light of truth is shined upon deceit, a lie cannot hide. However, do keep in mind, although both co-authors held security clearances with the United States military and government (both having our own separate UFO encounters), we are only part-time researchers. Most of these compiled mysteries, compelling tales, and associated data have already been presented to the public by devoted and accredited investigators on this subject over time. The material contained within is chronologically formatted so that a clear and concise picture and understanding has been made available to the reader. We have also touched upon the sciences of Anthropology, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Geology, History, Mathematics, Medical Procedures, Meteorology, Mythology, Paleontology, Quantum Physics and Theology in an effort to supply reasons for our conclusions. Facts will be presented along with their source of origin whenever possible. Rumors on the other hand are only the retelling of what is unsubstantiated, it should be noted that in many rumors, nearly always contain the seeds of truth. Speculations and tended conclusions are those of the most likely of possibilities, but cannot be counted as the only ones or for that matter taken as proof. Each will be clearly identified. So let us begin our journey in seeking the truth about UFOs. Two final noteworthy news events we have listed, however, before proceeding any further in this book. The first occurred in 2008. The Catholic Church surprisingly recognized the existence of extraterrestrial biological beings as per the Vatican astronomer Fr. José Gabriel Funes. This is a huge stride for the religion that once condemned Galileo’s observations about the solar system. The second is more recent…and far more interesting. Reported January 6, 2014 by Fidel Martinez from an interview over the previous weekend, Canada’s former defense minister, Paul Hellyer, publicly stated for the first time that aliens are quite real! “(I’ve) been getting from various sources (that) there are about 80 different species and some of them look just like us and they could walk down the street and you wouldn’t know if you walked past one.” What if this were all true, eighty different races with a good handful of them humanoid in appearance? Surely the former minister of Canadian defense would know having worked hand-in-hand with the United States government. I wonder what the skeptics have to say about this revelation coming from a man once entrusted with his nation’s deepest and darkest military secrets. But maybe they consider him one of those kooks too. Just like J Edgar Hoover of the FBI, who requested by way of an official 1947 FBI memo (acquired through the Freedom of Information Act) access to the flying saucer that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. By the way, this request was made partially in his own handwriting, so its authenticity is guaranteed. Question: Who’s considered not a kook by these skeptics, only those who don’t disagree with them? Answer: It would seem so when ridicule, denigration, and absurd answers replaces reasoning in any attempted at intelligent dialogue or conversation seeking to seriously examine the UFO phenomena from a truly scientific approach. Dismissing something as either “swamp gas” or “the planet Venus” gets old real fast, especially when credible witnesses and hard evidence is accompanied by in-depth critical analysis that proves otherwise. And if Mr. Hellyer’s claims do indeed prove to be the truth, it would explain a lot. In addition, Mr. Hellyer went further…by listing where these aliens are coming from. It turns out that these alien visitors have been popping in from as near as a base on one of Saturn’s moons, and far away as the Pleiades and Zeta Reticuli star systems (which just coincidently are mentioned by other witnesses in this book describing their own UFO encounters…and ordeals). He also admitted that the aliens are sharing their technology through some sort of arranged agreements with the Canadian and United States governments. How fascinating that he should validate the very stuff that conspiracy theorists have disclosed. We do intend to explore every aspect of this too…and much more. And to this end, we cite a forgotten quote: Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light. — George Washington — Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army and 1st President of the United States of America
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 23:06:31 +0000

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