[Forward: You must learn why Marxists and their Fellow Travelers - TopicsExpress


[Forward: You must learn why Marxists and their Fellow Travelers have No Standing in our Constitutional Republic- Social Justice and Redistribution are Treason- Citizens are Guaranteed Freedom and Prosperity-Return of Manufacturing with Tariffs-No Income Taxes-Largest Energy Reserves- No Amnesty- Deport Illegals- Land of Fruit and Nuts-High Command as Perfumed Princes-Generals in CFR-Nuremberg- No Balls At All- An Abomination- Obamacare Choices- Abolish Six Unconstitutional Federal Departments-Murder, Pillage, Rape, Starvation, Cannibalism for Cities-Tyrants Shoot First, et al.] The Mainstream Media is owned by the Marxist Establishment and will mostly report only self serving propaganda contrary to the dictates of our Constitution. The Constitution is emphatic; there can be no Compromise with Marxists or any similar group of Traitors, such as Establishment Republicans or Democrat Officials and Judges who ignore the Constitution for power and profit or for any reason at the expense of the very lives and sustenance of our people. Our Constitution Demands “Equal Justice” which made our country great. Marxists practice Unconstitutional “Social Justice” which means using their make believe “Faux Government” to take by force from those who produce and give to those who do nothing, while also allowing the looting and killing of our people by thugs and illegal invaders for their own corrupt benefit. Social Justice, related social programs, Crony Capitalism, or any kind of Redistribution, especially at the barrel of a gun are not allowed by our Constitution. This is pure Treason by our Marxist Officials, Judges, and Fellow Travelers usurping our Constitution, they are Dirty Rotten Traitors to our Republic deserving of no understanding, quarter, or pity. These Traitors are allowing murder, rape, pillage and theft of citizens for their own personal power and profit in direct conflict with our Constitution, and that is Treason by any definition. Marxist Traitors have no legal justification, none, for their actions and must expect to suffer severe consequences. Also, Don’t support those who are trying to destroy the Constitution another way by promoting a Constitutional Convention for their own purposes. Based upon experience, there is a high expectation that the Unconstitutional and deadly practice of Marxism as specified above, will cause the death of practioners in both parties. As Citizens of our Republic you are Guaranteed, not just promised, or allowed, Unlimited Freedom and Prosperity under our Constitution with Equal Justice. But, I must warn you, Freedom is not Free, there is a price, which may be your life at the hands of Faux Government Marxist Thugs and Invaders/Illegals allowed or directed by corrupt Officials and Judges following Unconstitutional Marxist Dictates for power and money. But, not to worry, as guaranteed, you will enjoy unlimited Freedom and Prosperity after you follow the Constitution and kick out the criminals and Invaders allowing our Republic to return to its rightful Freedom and Prosperity. Almost unlimited energy reserves will guarantee prosperity with return of manufacturing and the end of income taxes. Your first objective while you have life is to use every lawful means to remove all corrupt and traitorous officials and judges from office regardless of party. Patriots will follow the rule of law until innocent life is taken by Marxist traitors and illegals from both parties.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 19:00:52 +0000

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