Found in the Essene texts unearthed at Qumran in 1945, the Gnostic - TopicsExpress


Found in the Essene texts unearthed at Qumran in 1945, the Gnostic poem The Hymn of Isis, a segment of Thunder, Perfect Mind, shares characteristics of the enchanting Isis meditations associated with ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools. This hypnotic poem has mesmerized many modern secular artists, ranging from novelists Toni Morrison, Umberto Eco, Phillip K. Dick and Paulo Coehlo, to director Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, Prometheus) and his daughter filmmaker Jordan Scott, who based a Chanel commercial campaign on the text that featured Nicole Kidman and Canadian model Daria Werbowy. An interactive evening, The Hymn of Isis will begin with a discussion of the poems ancient origins and influence on modern pop culture (including a brief interpretation from an Essene / Gnostic perspective) and conclude with a special guided meditation by Helen Demetriou. The praises of the mysterious Feminine Divinity whose name is The Greatest in Egypt evoke the universality and sensuality of Isis in all her manifold forms and are as relevant to womens issues today as they were over two thousand ago. Presented by D.L. Metcalf at the Winnetka Tower. As usual we request a $10 donation & potluck to share. July 21st, 7:00 PM. The Winnetka Tower
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 21:38:49 +0000

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