Found on twitter ... Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi has an - TopicsExpress


Found on twitter ... Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi has an uncanny knack for trending on the social media, albeit for the wrong reasons. Says Mark Twain, “It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”. Here are my top 10 favorite (funniest) Rahul Gandhi quotes — from plain obnoxious to bizarre. “People call us an elephant.. We are not an elephant.. we are a beehive.. it’s funny but think about it. Which is more powerful? an elephant or a beehive?” (while taking a dig at Narendra Modi and the Gujarat Model of Development) “It (Congress) is a funny party. It is the largest political organization in the world but perhaps does not have a single rule or regulation. We create new rules every two minutes and then dump them. Nobody knows the rules in the party” (after being elevated to the Congress Vice-President’s post) “Politics is everywhere.. it is in your shirt.. in your pants.. everywhere…” (while trying to motivate youth to participate in politics) “Dalit community needs the escape velocity of Jupiter to achieve success…” (this is how he tried to reach out to the Dalit community) “If India is a computer, Congress is its default program.” (God knows what that means, but I was told he said this while addressing NSUI cadres in Delhi) “Poverty is just a state of mind. It does not mean scarcity of food, money or material things. If one possesses self-confidence then we can overcome poverty.” (while speaking at a closed door function organised by the Dalit Resource Centre at the Gobind Ballabh Pant Social Science Institute) “Hindustan Ek Soch hai. Hindustan Ek Jagah Hai…(fumbles) Magar Hindustan Ek Soch Hai…” (I won’t even bother to translate this, feel free to make your own interpretations. “There are people doing yoga in New York, dancing around; that’s the power of India. You go to a nightclub somewhere in Spain and there’s Amitabh Bachchan on the screen there, dancing around. That’s the power of India. That’s the power of Indian people.” “A rising tide doesn’t raise people who don’t have a boat. We have to build the boat for them. We have to give them the basic infrastructure to rise with the tide.” “If I am incompetent, I am useless, the people of India will see that.” (hmmm, no comments!) When the Gandhi scion made his infamous “poverty is a state of mind…” statement, my friend Amitayu told me, “If poverty is a state of mind, intellectual poverty is genetic!” Could not agree more. Feel free to share your treasure trove of RaGa quotes.
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 19:01:25 +0000

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