Found these notes on one of my readings in research for my senior - TopicsExpress


Found these notes on one of my readings in research for my senior Project on Jazz Culture. Interesting so sharing: “Cultural racism is damaging and virulent because it hits its victims in particularly vulnerable and prívate places: their preferences, tastes, modes of self-expression, and self-mage…when cultural racism succeeds in making its victims supress, denígrate, or reject these means of cultural self-affirmation [the solace people fnd inentertainment, self expression, intimacy, mutual support, and cultural solidarity], it makes its victims hate themselves”….. ”such ignorant resistance to the fact that criteriua can differ hugely among classes, cultures, even genders – remains firmly embedded n educational and artistic circles, producing audiences who are afraid to think for themselves. “…….. ”Sometimes there is a condescending amazement that powerful work can actually come from ‘foreign’ sources. Good or competent mainstream art by people of color is often greeted ether with silence or with cries of exaggerated pleasure: ‘Well, what do you know, heres art by and Asian (or African or Latino or Native) American that doesn’t fit our steriotypes!’ (or the low expectations held for it). The dominant culture responds like condescending parenbts whgo have surprised them, affording a glimpse of the darker facets of future seperations and competition. “………………….. ”Well-meaning white artyists and writers who think we are ultura –sensitive often idealize and romanticize indigenous cultures on one hand, or force them into a western hegemonic anbalysis on the other hand.”………….. ”Within the art world, few cases of ovbert censorship due to racism are recorded or reported because of personal taste and individual selection (called curating) rule for the most part unchallenged, the people doing the ‘caring’ for the art are overwhelmingly white, middle-class, and –in the upper echelons-usually male.” From Pages 7 – 9 of MIXED BLESSINGS – New Art in a Multicultural America, by Lucy R.Lippard, 1990 Pantheon Books, NY
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:34:35 +0000

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