Found this and it is very interesting.. Clairsentience - TopicsExpress


Found this and it is very interesting.. Clairsentience (clear-feeling) is one of the most common and down to earth intuitive gifts that you can develop, yet complex as the same time. It is a sixth sense, so to speak, and means the ability to “feel”, or “know”, and interpret the feelings or energy around you to divine emotions and other energy vibes from people, places, spirits, animals or anything really that contains energy. Empathy and Clairsentience could also be grouped together in the spectrum of intuitive gifts, which relate to feeling or sensing the emotions and energies of the world around them. Clairsentience is a broadened form of Empathy, which encompasses a wider field of sensitivities and has quite a lot in common with intuition, because it a strong awareness that you feel inside yourself about the subject you are concentrating on or connect with. I should add, that you don’t always need physical contact to connect with energy. It can also be the most challenging, because sometimes you will feel things, yet it is difficult to put into words what you pick up and why. To feel, as in Clairsentience, requires recognition, acceptance, and it takes commitment to learn the skills to manage the range of energy experiences you perceive. Depending on your sensitivity or gifts, the following are some traits of being Clairsentient; A “feeling” of being different will probably have been with you from early childhood – you may also have been able to see and hear in a way others could not or viewed the world around you differently. You can be emotionally attached to someone, even at a distance you can ‘feel’ them (dreams, random thoughts, flashes of insight etc). This can happen even if you are no longer associated with them. Even if you don’t want to be a part of it, you will still feel connected, and so you may need to take steps to disconnect the spiritual/etheric cord. If you were misunderstood as a child you are likely to have been told that you “shouldn’t” feel that way or that you are “imagining” things. You may have been a target/blamed or made to feel responsible for other people’s problems, including authority figures, primary carers, teachers or siblings. In adolescence this could progress to friends, work colleagues or partners. Perhaps you were used or are used, as a soft target practice! A continuing pattern of “others” not understanding and or saying there must be something wrong with you because they do not “feel” that way. That you are just being “too sensitive”. Able to perceive energy fields (through physical sensations), including a person’s aura and vibrations (such as voice and how words are strung together). Ever heard someone talk and their words just sing or lull you?! Not knowing how you know but “knowing” anyway, things others do not seem to know or understand. Feeling guilty and responsible for other people’s happiness. Choosing to stay in situations for the sake of “others” even at your own detriment. Usually it will be for emotional rather than financial reasons. Always giving others the benefit of the doubt whilst failing to see your own “goodness”. Having an inner knowing that you are the “stronger” person even though you are accused of being over sensitive, emotional, irrational and imagining things that do not exist. You can sense the presence of spirits, but you don’t understand what you’re feeling, except you know you feel a strange energy. You are highly sensitive to your surroundings and they can affect your emotions. Large crowds and events can make you physically feel ill (perhaps you will feel nauseous, get headaches etc). If earlier difficulties existed you may have a deep fear of confrontational situations. You will have probably unconsciously developed some level of coping strategies to avoid these but having to face a situation can cause great anxiety. This will be at a level of feeling very vulnerable and helpless, whilst manifesting physical symptoms of heart palpitations, nausea, frozen fear; this will be followed by a period of time trying to calm yourself while pent-up energy rushes through your body. This may seem to others an inappropriate or exaggerated response to what appears a fairly ordinary exchange or minor problem. You go to other people’s homes or even meeting somewhere in a workplace and your emotions may change. You may even attribute it to not liking the people, but have no definitive reason why. You may serve as a “host” to another person(s); whilst supplying their “being” with energy will make you feel and appear the weaker person, the other person(s) strength can depend on “you” as an energy source. You may not recognise this yourself, however erratic and depleted energy is a symptom. You think of someone who is not around you, and you inexplicably know how they are feeling and sometimes know if something good or bad is going to happen or has happened, but you don’t know why. You have an ability to heal others. You can talk to them in person or even over the phone and they feel better, but you could feel worse. Sometimes you can feel others physical pain and take on that pain.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 01:49:58 +0000

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