Found this on a Bi-Partisan Page: Agree with this post, except for - TopicsExpress


Found this on a Bi-Partisan Page: Agree with this post, except for the headline, where they praised the genocide in Palestine, of course I omitted that part, hypocrite. Aaron Nelson (TheAntiMedia) September 24, 2014 How are we going to get millions of Americans to unite against U.S. intervention and CIA deception in Syria, Ukraine, and Iraq? It is no secret that the U.S. government is corrupt. It’s common knowledge that politicians are liars. So why haven’t we been able to stop the media’s blackout of reality? One of the many things we all share with each other is that we focus on our differences, when we should focus on what we all have in common. It’s a proven fact that the media spreads lies to push us into wars. It’s no longer a theory that the NSA is spying on the entire world. Think about it… Do you know a single person that thinks the military industrial complex isn’t perpetually profiting off of the war on terror? We are taught in school that a government must have the consent of the majority in order to function, but this is false. A government only needs the public to fail at agreeing upon an alternative solution. This is why the mainstream media keeps us divided and distracted, this is how we’ve been conquered. Very few would disagree with the assertion that U.S. foreign policy has the world headed towards a major military conflict. If we want to prevent the worst from happening(World War 3), the people of this country are going to have to take their power back, and they’re going to have to do it without asking for permission. Let’s not forget what was accomplished last year, when Americans united against the military industrial complex and demanded that there be ‘No War With Syria‘. It proved that when a movement is comprised of individuals from both the left and the right united under a common cause, the people’s voice can change ANY narrative, we can even prevent bombs from being dropped. In order to do this again, we need to find a way to motivate each other to take action. 2014 has been the year from hell. The U.S. government is banking on us being demoralized into accepting our fate. If you think the war on terror is just another way to say ‘perpetual profits for the military-industrial-complex’, there are tens of millions of Americans who agree with you. How’s this for a start? 1. Stop arming/funding the Syrian rebels and do not bomb Syrian military/government targets, or send more ground troops to Iraq. 2. Stop supporting the bombing of Ukrainian civilians and dismiss the ongoing media blackout of Ukraine’s civil war. 3. Join the #NotMyWar protests that are being organized on October 11th to oppose these perpetual wars. RSVP to the event page here for more info.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 01:34:08 +0000

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