✞ Four BLOOD Moons ✡ #2 is COMING SOON... The - TopicsExpress


✞ Four BLOOD Moons ✡ #2 is COMING SOON... The First Blood Moon of the 2-Year Tetrad occurred in April ON the Biblical Feast Day of Passover during HOLY WEEK. And the SECOND of the Four Blood Moons will occur THIS OCTOBER on ANOTHER Biblical HOLY Feast Day!! So what does the coming of this extremely RARE Blood Moon Tetrad MEAN for Israel and America?? First and foremost, they are SIGNALS that our Lord JESUS CHRIST, Who is also inevitably ISRAEL’S SAVIOUR in the Last Days, is ready to RETURN, and this HISTORIC 4 Blood Moon occurrence in 2014-15 is an urgent WAKE-UP CALL to sleeping Christians and the entire world. The biggest skeptic cannot deny God’s Perfect Timing. For the FIRST TIME ever, beginning THIS YEAR, the Four Blood Moons fall EXACTLY on God’s Biblical High Holy Days, divided by a Total Solar Eclipse IN the Shemittah Year {Biblical Holy Year}! The first Blood Moon occurred about 4 months ago on the Feast Day of PASSOVER {April 14th-15th}, and the second will occur THIS October ON the Feast Day of Tabernacles! Next Year AS WELL, with a Total Solar Eclipse of the Sun sandwiched in between ON the Day of the BIBLICAL New Year, Rosh Hashana! Have the aethiestic scientists and astrologists explain THAT as a ‘coincidence’. Just how AWESOME is our God?! And even BETTER the ONLY other occurrences of Blood Moons on Biblical Feast Days, were in 1493 {Biblical Prophetical significance: Jewish persecution leads to their exile from Spain}, 1949 {Biblical Prophetical significance: FIRST full year of the Jews once again possessing the Holy Land of ISRAEL}, and 1967 {Biblical Prophetical Significance: Israel WINS the Six-Day War against all surrounding Islamic nations trying to destroy the Jews, while RECLAIMING the Biblical Capital of Israel, JERUSALEM}! So, I expect something VERY prophetical BIBLICALLY to occur with ISRAEL again in the days and seasons of these BLOOD MOONS. And already, we have seen, since the first Blood Moon this year, that although one of Israels archenemies, Hamas in Gaza, has launched one its most brutal rocket assaults against Israel in nearly 20 years, The LORD has turned it into an ISRAELI VICTORY and National Blessing! As Hamas rocket arsenal of nearly 10,000 rockets has been depleted to around only 3,000 while only killing less than 10 Israeli civilians by the rocket fire which could have killed THOUSANDS, as Israel ALSO destroyed ALL of Hamas terror tunnels which were built to kidnap and kill Israelis, AND Israel killed over 1,000 Hamas terrorists. So one of Israels top 3 National Security Threats over the past 2 decades has been seemingly DESTROYED, thanks to The God of Israel. Is it coincidence that this happened directly in between the first 2 Blood Moons? There is NO SUCH THING as coincidence with Almighty God! Also, 2015 is a SHEMITTAH Year on God’s Calendar, and that will NOT BODE well for rebellious America. WHY do I say that? Because as the USA has pulled further away from The LORD Year after Year, God has been known to send JUDGMENTS upon America every SHEMITTAH Year in the Month of Rosh Hashana {September}. For example, in 2001, America’s defenses were breached by our enemies on 9-11 {SEPTEMBER 11, 2001}. Exactly 7 years later, in 2008, the GREAT ECONOMIC COLLAPSE happened in SEPTEMBER, as Wall Street pretty much CRASHED, with the DOW Jones falling 777 points {777 is the Number that represents The God of the Holy Bible, YHWH}. And the next 7 Year period of Judgment falls SEPTEMBER 2015!!! Next Year! Will America’s Economy finally CRASH and burn once and for all? Will Iran, North Korea, Russia, or Islamic terrorists attack AGAIN? Will God DIVIDE America, as Obama attempts to DIVIDE Israel {specifically Jerusalem}, as God warned in Joel 3:2?! Could that division and Judgment of God upon America be a Great EARTHQUAKE in the Madrid faultline which would LITERALLY cut America in HALF?? Will it be a historical, unheard of HURRICANE which defies science and comes over coasts to directly impact the HEARTLAND of America??? Any or ALL of these things could happen, and happen in 2014-15!!! Even more exciting, the Jewish Year is currently 5775. 2016, the Year directly following these 4 Blood Moon occurrences, is the Jewish Year – 5777! Again 5-777!! Remember what I said about the number 777? THE NUMBER of YaHWeH GOD Himself! Is all this coincidence?? You’d have to be completely ignorant, naive and grossly unbelieving to label ALL these Biblical Prophetical connections as ‘coincidence’. GOD willing, one of these 4 Blood Moons will be the final SIGNAL of our Lord JESUS CHRIST’s RETURN, possibly 2016?!?! Praise The LORD and may God continue to bless and protect Israel till THE END, which, according to these coming Signs, could be SOON! And don’t worry, for believers, the ‘END’ is really just our BEGINNING. “The SUN shall be turned into DARKNESS {total eclipse}, and the MOON INTO BLOOD, before the great and the terrible DAY OF THE LORD come. And it shall come to pass, that WHOSOEVER shall call on the NAME of The LORD shall be DELIVERED: for in Mount ZION and in JERUSALEM {Israel} shall BE deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the REMNANT {Christians} whom YaHWeH shall call.” ~ Joel 2:31-32
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 23:29:17 +0000

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