Four ...Radical Propositions... that result in finding the true - TopicsExpress


Four ...Radical Propositions... that result in finding the true God First, You must never doubt- the existence of God but you certainly ..must.. begin to doubt everything ..religion.. says about God The next step required is... setting aside ..all.. your religious teachings They have to be sacrificed... in order to come to the truth Then begin by taking a closer look at the natural world itself and the natural catastrophes that come upon the human race For instance, back in 2006 on Christmas Day in Southeast Asia there was a tsunami killing 217,000 people in one day First question to ponder: How could a ..benevolent.. God and Creator allow such things to happen to humanity-to humans When you look at the natural disasters that take place you are left with one startling truth: If God created this world... then God is morally responsible for all the tragedies that happens as a result of natural forces going a muck Lets imagine you own a dog, a vicious dog- and you know this dog is vicious And so you take great care to insure he is secured by a chain within a fenced yard Still regardless of your good intentions and great efforts One day this dog escapes and goes down the street attacking and killing a small child Whos house are the police going to come to when seeking the person ..responsible.. for such a sad tragedy? I will tell you whos house they are coming to and who they will be looking for They are coming your house, and looking for you the one who had ..control.. of this dog and will be held responsible and will be criminally liable for the death of the child If God created this world and ..allows.. for humans to be so easily destroyed then God is at ..least.. liable and responsible for all such tragedies that befall upon humanity There is only way.. for God ..not.. to be morally responsible Thus the first of four Radical propositions: God did not make this world God did not make the Cosmos So what then is the true nature of the real God? If God did not make this world nor the universe- WHY? WHY... didnt God make this world or the universe we see in the night sky? Are you ready for the second radical proposition? For God to be real… for God to exist... Then like everything else that is real and exists- GOD HAD TO HAVE A BEGINNING!! Why didnt God make this world? Why didnt God make this universe? Because at the time of their creation God simply did not exist!! As everything else has a beginning... God also would have a beginning- God evolved!! God exists and is real only because... only because... Charles Darwin was right!! WOW!! But that brings up the third radical proposition and another question: Where did God have his beginning? At what point... At what place- What was Gods Species...from where did God evolve- We need a world of evidence... of intelligence The answer is ... HERE.. this world!! Furthermore, God had to begin as a human- God evolved from humanity itself!! There was a time when there was not God There was a time when there was God GOD began right here...on this earth... as a man As man is in the world ...GOD once was As GOD is in the world ...Man may become GOD who is our future ... Came from man who is his past GOD evolved from the human race!! The true God is the first human being to survive death with his personality intact Hmmm there seems to be somewhat of a problem with this... How long would it would take- for a human to evolve into God Certainly millions, billions, or even trillions of years one would think But yet how long has the human race been around? Thus the fourth radical proposition: God came back in time to save the human race-humanity The true God is the first human being to survive death with his personality intact He then watched in great sorrow as mankind would eventually wipe themselves off the face of the earth He made a decision, that he would come back in time to save all mankind from extinction Imagine for a moment… that in the year 2052 a pill was invented that would give humanity immortal life Wouldn’t that be a most amazing discovery as well as a most beautiful blessing for all mankind Well not really… Do you know why such a discovery would not be as great as it could be The answer …it wouldnt be… is because of ..all.. the people... who would not have the opportunity to receive the benefit of this wonderful discovery- being they were already dead The only way... for this discovery to be truly and fully beautiful and wonderful would be if this pill could be sent back in time so as all humanity could benefit from it Because the true God has nothing but the most tender love and affection for all mankind He devised a way... to come back in time with this “pill” so to speak so as he could save the humanity that he himself came forth and proceeded from You are an evolving being- Evolution is indeed a correct principle Therefore you are not born with a soul nor a purpose and because of this most people will not survive death God came back in time… to give humanity the “pill” so to speak that would allow them to build a soul like unto his that would survive death with personality intact This would be accomplished by a divine plan of Eternal Progression which would eventually result in the Exaltation and Eternal Life for ..all.. mankind Thus Reincarnation was initiated by the true God… which allows for all mankind to live a multitude of lives- wherein they shall progress even as they are able within each life so as to become like God eternally progressing being The ..Breath of Life.. that was breathed into mankind was none other than the very spirit children of God And so.... What got Gods attention in this whole matter... was that finally some human discovered four great truths!! Great truth that most of the religious world who knew not God would reject while clinging on to false man made doctrines Simple Summary evolution is true man evolved god evolved from man god has a beloved we have a heavenly mother the two become one god equal in purpose together they have spirit children best school-the earth where god began to experience opposition and an imposter god on a path of progression and eternal life thus becoming like their parents god comes down as adam and eve god comes down again as yeshua and mary god murdered by imposter god and religion lie of blood atonement began to cover up the murder we continue our eternal progression we are given a multitude of lives we find our soul mate we become gods and creators we have spirit children we create the earth where our children attend mortality the male comes down as heavenly father the female comes down as holy spirit our children progress just as we progressed
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 23:06:29 +0000

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