Four foods to fight cold Vitamin C What comes to your mind when - TopicsExpress


Four foods to fight cold Vitamin C What comes to your mind when you think of winter? Misty mornings and steaming cups of tea, you bet. But lurking in the recess of your mind is the nagging cold that you suffered last winter, no doubt! It is a given that sneezes and sniffles form part of the life of even an otherwise healthy person in cold weather. So, what can be done to boost immunity and give the bug a miss? Here`s a quick look at what you can eat to give your body the much-required ammunition to fight colds. This vitamin is found in fruits available in plenty throughout the year. It can be found in abundance in the affordable guava. Also reach out for oranges, goose-berries, cabbage, capsicum and potatoes to get your dose of Vitamin C. Eat these foods regularly to help fight cold better. Mushrooms Mushrooms are known for their medicinal properties. The maitake mushroom is particularly known to build immunity and ward off allergies and colds. Zinc Consuming foods high in zinc can minimise the duration of infection. The trace mineral is also believed to promote a strong immune system. Some foods in which zinc is found are chicken, wheat, barley, yoghurt and sesame seeds. Garlic Allicin found in garlic is known to reduce congestion and provide relief from cold symptoms. Try to add a few pods of garlic to your curries and sabzis and you`ll quickly realise its benefits.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 08:16:09 +0000

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