Four years ago, on this day, we stepped into a new world known as - TopicsExpress


Four years ago, on this day, we stepped into a new world known as ACCET little knowing what was ahead of us. We were welcomed by a friendly seniors.First day i thought how would be college life,last day felt that it was the best part in life. Four years on, things has changed a lot. From being immature to mature; from being irresponsible to responsible; from difficult to understand to understanding and so on. There was times when we used to spend hours and hours chatting/SMSing/talking with friends.People used to pick up the call before even the first ring completes, reply back to the SMS as soon as it is in the inbox, reply back to the ping as soon as you hear the sound. There were days when we used to chat with a person who was sitting two or three benches way.But once after the college, we have become so busy that we do not have time for all these things. When you call a friend, we are greeted by his/her voice, but a recorded one stating that he/she is not available to pick the call, please leave a message! or no response at all. People have become busy and they have got different priorities. And after that comes a time when you finally call after a long time and you realize that you have nothing at all to talk! People just keep asking "what else"...”aparam" and so on! The same case goes with chat/pings. People are held up and find no time to reply and once they find time to reply, they have nothing to chat about!We were living on SMS in college. Forwards, late night kadalai etc... The number of words per min was something close to 100 (my guess) but now i think it has reduced to say 20 words per min. I am not even using SMS now!Apart from the priorities, v are spread out - far and wide and there are changes to life around us. But i sincerely hope that when i meet my friends personally, for the old times sake, talk a lot and keep in touch going forward.Memories never fade. Happy batch day..:) miss u heizenz nd accet..:(
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 09:07:12 +0000

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