Four years ago today I was notified in a very unusual way of the - TopicsExpress


Four years ago today I was notified in a very unusual way of the Death of my Son. Here is a little of my story. Megan and I decided to come to Indiana and celebrate Dads birthday and take him out to dinner. That is where all the signs start. Had an amazing dinner or so I thought until Megan Patton spilled a glass of tea at the table, Cliff Patton called me with some very upsetting news, he was on his way to somewhere out of town with his Friends and got a ticket in Oak Grove he was crying and scared and he was ticketed for speed racing himself. Lol go figure the office jacked up the ticket so bad. The charges were eventually dropped. At the same time or very close to it Iraq time Jimmys chopper went down and he was the only one killed. Of course I did not know that yet. But my stomach was in a knot and I could not finish my meal. Megan went to Mom and Dads house and I went to the VFW. Ronette Patton my mother in law was the bartender and I just wanted to relax and get some stress relief at the dance they were hosting. I danced until 0200. And only drank a half a glass of beer. Not like me at all. I drove to the Ronettes. And went to bed. At 0600 in the morning mom called and asked if I had called her I told her no and to call Shirley. She did, then Shirley Ryder Kimmell called me asking why mom called her, then called her back crying, telling her never mind as she was not the one who made the call. I told her not to call me, mom or anyone else because I knew at that moment it was about me. I hung up on her and called Mom. Mom refused to talk to me. And said they were on their way to the Pattons. I told her No to stay put. I then called My rear detachment Commander Dave Siry. And when he answered his phone I knew by the tone in his voice it was not good. I asked him what was going on and he told me he could not tell me and he was 40 miles from Vincennes, Not what I wanted to hear so my words to him I Have Greg and Jimmy both being deployed one in Afghanistan and one in Iraq. I couldnt wait an hour. So he told me that Greg was ok so I immediately thought Jimmy was injured and I may have to go to Germany, he said No Sheila, Jimmy didnt make it! I said ok dont go to my Dads house as Megan was sleeping and I didnt want her to see how upset mom and dad were as that phone that was was Greg calling telling them not to let me get on the road because a notification team was coming. And they were not allowed to tell me anything. Those signs I was referring to earlier. Well had Cliff not gotten the ticket he would have been Only God knows where and I wouldnt have been able to find him, so he was sound asleep on the couch at home. The team knew not to go there as I told them before I left I would be in IN. Megan was sound asleep at my parents house and Ronette and I were in disbelief. I was packing and she was making coffee. God gave me strength and Faith that very day as this is the only way things had to happen. The Notification Team Dave, Roy Bruce, Jeff Kudary, the Chaplain and my BFF antoinette Ann Wagoner. I had it requested that if anything were to happen they were to notify her first. Before I let them in the door I went out and gave each one of them a hug. Then Dave recited those words every mother, father, wife, husband, brother, sister or child wants to hear about their Soldier. I regret to inform know the rest. They told me what happened and then Greg called me I started to break down and cry and his words to me were Sheila stay strong, Im on my way Home with Jimmy and we can cry together as a Family. He said that I needed to prepare for Bachi Proaño Beatriz and her Family to be with us as She was in Ecuador. We went to my parents house to notify Megan. My heart was broken but seeing her cry and knowing I had to leave my mom and dad to go notify Cliff was one of the hardest things I had to do. Especially on my Dads birthday. Those words of Stay Strong from Greg are the words I passed on to Beatriz when she finally called me after she was notified. That was on a Sunday and on Tuesday we were all together as a Family. God has given us strength and a sort of Peace to continue to move forward and know that Jimmy is watching over and sending signs. Through the Grace of God. I look up to the Sonshine and know he is smiling down on all of Us. Have a wonderful day and always look to the Son. Sorry this is a long post but I felt compelled to tell part of Our Story. I may continue with all the signs we were given and continue to receive or I may just have to write a book. God Bless.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 14:10:00 +0000

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