Fours P.O.V. --- Then I wake. Its been one year since I went - TopicsExpress


Fours P.O.V. --- Then I wake. Its been one year since I went away, which away just means across the hall. Nobody, except Amar, knows where I am. I brace myself and call Christina. She answers immediately. Are you really there?! She says hopefully. No,Im a unicorn. I say. Ive been dying to hear your sarcasm for the past year!! She squeals. First time anyones ever said that, I say. OH WELL. DEAL WITH IT. WHERE ARE YOU?! She says. Across the hall from my apartment. Forty six. Come see me? Im bored. I say. OKAY!! She hangs up. I missed her bubbly voice. I have feelings for Christina. Shes there, at my door, two minutes later. I open it, and she throws her arms around me. I bury my face in her soft brown hair. I missed you so much, she says. I missed you too, powerpuff. I say. I can see in her eyes she has feelings for me too. You missed so much of everything. Like Tris got married. She says. I. Dont. Care. About. Tris. I say. She understands, and presses her lips to mine. I dont pull away. I ranked seventh and got a job just like yours, she says after pulling away. Thats great! Im sorry I missed it, I say. Thats not even the best part!! The night before, I scared Peter so bad he wet himself, so I taped it, and played it at the banquet. She says. SERIOUSLY?! I say. Yes! Want to watch it? I always have it with me. She says. Hell yes. But first, I want to go home. Come on. I say, taking her hand and pulling her into my apartment. I put it in the player and pull her down onto my lap. It starts with Christina in a costume late at night, creeping up on Peter, then tapping him on the shoulder. He shrieks like a little girl, then he wets himself. I laugh. This is so awesome. Where did you come up with it?! I ask. She points at me. You said Peter was your least favorite, so I made him wet himself. She says. Im glad Im not dead! I say. She laughs. Whats so funny? I ask, tucking a piece other hair behind her ear. Never in a billion years did I think I would ever be sitting in your lap. She says. Deal with it. Want to come freak out some people with me? I ask. Dealt with. And yes! I love seeing people freak out. She says. Who first? I ask, getting up. Zeke. She says. I intwine our fingers and we walk toward his apartment. As soon as he opens the door, he screams. Are you a zombie? He says. Even if I was, youve got no brains, youre good. I say. Ass! He says. Oh just hug me all ready. I say. He does. TRIS MARRIED MY BROTHER!! He says. Thats a odd ship theyre sailing, I say, but I dont care. Not even a pang. I know! I see youve found yourself a new Tris. He says. Shes not Tris, thanks. Shes better. Paintball at midnight? I say. Youre on. He says. Good seeing you, Zeke, be ready to lose. I say. We walk away. Who now? I ask. How about the married couple? She says. Not a pang of guilt, nothing. Okay. Where are they? I ask, but then I see them, sitting by the Chasm. Look who I found! Christina squeals. Uriah turns first. NO WAY! He says, standing up. He hugs me. Howve you been? He asks. BORED. Paintball with Zeke at midnight. You better be prepared to lose. I say. He laughs.Ill be there. Tris turns next. I dont feel anything. Oh. My.god. She says. Miss me any? I say. Of course I did. She hugs me. Good. Are you coming paint balling? I ask. She nods. Good, three teams. Two of which shall lose, Christina says, looking at Uriah. OH REALLY?! Tris says. REALLY. Christina says. Who wants to play truth or dare? Uriah asks. We all agree. Dead go first. Uriah says. We sit at a table in the dining hall, Tris in his lap. Christina comes back over and sits in mine. OHHHHHH.. Tris says. I know! Christina says. Truth or dare? I say to Christina. Dare! She says. I dare you to take that video, and project it in the screening room. I say. Okay! She says. We all walk to the screening room, watch her project it, and almost die of laughter. Ummm... TRIS truth or dare? Christina says. Dare, Tris cringes. When Christina dares, she doesnt play around. I dare you to......HA. Kick Eric in the balls. Christina says. So Tris kicks Eric in the balls. We all laugh. Christina, truth or dare? Tris says. Dare. Christina says excitedly. I dare you to take your shirt off for the next five rounds. Tris says. Okay. Christina takes off her shirt and hands it to me. This is by far the best game ever, I say. Christina smacks my arm. Uriah. Truth or dare. Christina says. Dare. He says. She pulls out a cake, then hands it to him. Smash this in Triss face. She says. WHA- Tris starts, but then Uriah shoves the cake in her face. She laughs. YOU ARE SO MEAN!! Tris says. Duh. Hes only going to make me worse, Christina says, wrapping her arms around my neck. True. Im going to turn you into my little sidekick. I say. Kay. We need to go. Initiation starts today. Tris is then decided that Christina and I will do Dauntless born, and Uriah and Tris will take transfers. As were walking to our training room, Christina stops me. Why me? She asks. Because I like you. I say. But WHY? She asks. Because, when I was completely gone for the whole year, I got at least ten text messages from you per day. I thought that was adorable. And youre so... Different. Unique. I kiss her lightly. I have one thing, though. She says. Oh? And whats that? I say. She shoves me into the wall. Break me,I break you. She says. Youre cute when youre trying to act all serious. I say. I know. Come on. She says. By the way,Im NOT afraid of marshmallows or really bright sunrises. I say. I used to think youd burst into flames. She says. No, thats what would happen if I walked into a bookstore. I say. BOOKSTORES ARE AWESOME. I shall force you to read. She says. UGHHHH. I groan. Get over it, Four. She says. Do you even know my real name? I ask. No. I dont. Tell me! She begs. My real name is Tobias. I say. For some reason I thought your name was Roy. I dont know why. She says. Why in the world would my name be Roy? I say. I dont know, but Tobias is way hotter, she says. Youre just full of surprises today. Half the stuff youve said, Ive never heard anyone say. I say. Theres a first time for everything. She says. Like this. --- ~Mockingrose who will now great chicken xD
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 23:47:36 +0000

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