Fr. James Farfaglia: How to Carry Your Cross By Fr. James - TopicsExpress


Fr. James Farfaglia: How to Carry Your Cross By Fr. James Farfaglia Too many of our contemporaries seek an easy life without suffering, without sacrifice, without renunciation, without mortification. Many people would like to stand under the cross of Jesus and cry out Come down from the cross. Contemporary society does not want to suffer. Highlights CORPUS CHRISTI, TX (Catholic Online) - Richard lived a very normal, happy life in his quiet, rural New Hampshire home. His parents were very devout Catholics and were wonderful parents. When Richard was nine years old, his ordinary life changed forever. Richard was diagnosed with polio. The disease left him completely paralyzed. His paralysis was so severe, that he had to breathe by physically gulping for air, something like what a frog does. At night, he slept in an iron lung. Without a doubt, Richards cross was very heavy. Nevertheless, everyone who came into contact with him was astonished by his patience and joy within the very difficult circumstances of his daily existence. However, initially, Richard did not carry his cross well. Understandably he gave into self-pity, until one day his parish priest, through good, sound advice, snapped him out of his slump. From that moment on, Richard decided to help others by speaking to any group that would listen to his story. With the help of his parents, Richard Chaput of Nashua, New Hampshire traveled all over his home state, and his testimony touched thousands of lives. Most of us when we suffer wonder, why me. Why do I have to suffer? The meaning of life will be become clearer to us when we realize that we will find purpose in life when our search leads us from why to whom. Suffering does have a human face to it. We have only to look at our Lord Jesus crucified on the Cross and there we will find the meaning of our existence and the answer to our searching and longing. In our suffering we demand answers. We are not satisfied with pietistic platitudes such as just offer it up or you will be just fine. Suffering, especially chronic physical sickness, deep emotional pain and death itself, causes a personal crisis that forces us to go deep into ourselves and ask those questions that are most fundamental to our human existence. It is precisely in the crucible of intense suffering that we either come close to God or rebel against his loving presence. If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me (Luke 9: 23). In these words taken from this Sundays gospel narrative we discover the drastic invitation of Jesus. Embracing the cross, our personal cross or crosses is an essential aspect to our walk with the Lord Jesus. Jesus and the two thieves were not the only people ever crucified by the Roman Empire. Crucifixion was the preferred form of capital punishment used for those living under Roman jurisdiction but who were not actually Roman citizens. Beheading was the punishment of choice for Roman citizens, crucifixion for non-Roman citizens. Consider how horrible crucifixion must have been if the Romans spared their own citizens such a terrible death. So painful was death by crucifixion that the Romans eventually did away with it as a form of capital punishment. The Jews were accustomed to seeing people crucified. Political insurrections on the part of the Jewish populace were punished by mass crucifixions. So, when Jesus turned to his disciples and said If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me it was if he were saying, Take up your gas chamber, take up your electric chair, take up your noose, and come follow me. Those listening to him knew precisely what crucifixion entailed. While the comparison may sound absurd, nevertheless, it is precisely in the daily carrying of our cross that we will find the loving presence of the crucified and risen Lord. Fr. James Farfaglia: How to Carry Your Cross By Fr. James Farfaglia Too many of our contemporaries seek an easy life without suffering, without sacrifice, without renunciation, without mortification. Many people would like to stand under the cross of Jesus and cry out Come down from the cross. Contemporary society does not want to suffer. Highlights CORPUS CHRISTI, TX (Catholic Online) - Richard lived a very normal, happy life in his quiet, rural New Hampshire home. His parents were very devout Catholics and were wonderful parents. When Richard was nine years old, his ordinary life changed forever. Richard was diagnosed with polio. The disease left him completely paralyzed. His paralysis was so severe, that he had to breathe by physically gulping for air, something like what a frog does. At night, he slept in an iron lung. Without a doubt, Richards cross was very heavy. Nevertheless, everyone who came into contact with him was astonished by his patience and joy within the very difficult circumstances of his daily existence. However, initially, Richard did not carry his cross well. Understandably he gave into self-pity, until one day his parish priest, through good, sound advice, snapped him out of his slump. From that moment on, Richard decided to help others by speaking to any group that would listen to his story. With the help of his parents, Richard Chaput of Nashua, New Hampshire traveled all over his home state, and his testimony touched thousands of lives. Most of us when we suffer wonder, why me. Why do I have to suffer? The meaning of life will be become clearer to us when we realize that we will find purpose in life when our search leads us from why to whom. Suffering does have a human face to it. We have only to look at our Lord Jesus crucified on the Cross and there we will find the meaning of our existence and the answer to our searching and longing. In our suffering we demand answers. We are not satisfied with pietistic platitudes such as just offer it up or you will be just fine. Suffering, especially chronic physical sickness, deep emotional pain and death itself, causes a personal crisis that forces us to go deep into ourselves and ask those questions that are most fundamental to our human existence. It is precisely in the crucible of intense suffering that we either come close to God or rebel against his loving presence. If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me (Luke 9: 23). In these words taken from this Sundays gospel narrative we discover the drastic invitation of Jesus. Embracing the cross, our personal cross or crosses is an essential aspect to our walk with the Lord Jesus. Jesus and the two thieves were not the only people ever crucified by the Roman Empire. Crucifixion was the preferred form of capital punishment used for those living under Roman jurisdiction but who were not actually Roman citizens. Beheading was the punishment of choice for Roman citizens, crucifixion for non-Roman citizens. Consider how horrible crucifixion must have been if the Romans spared their own citizens such a terrible death. So painful was death by crucifixion that the Romans eventually did away with it as a form of capital punishment. The Jews were accustomed to seeing people crucified. Political insurrections on the part of the Jewish populace were punished by mass crucifixions. So, when Jesus turned to his disciples and said If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me it was if he were saying, Take up your gas chamber, take up your electric chair, take up your noose, and come follow me. Those listening to him knew precisely what crucifixion entailed. While the comparison may sound absurd, nevertheless, it is precisely in the daily carrying of our cross that we will find the loving presence of the crucified and risen Lord.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 03:49:05 +0000

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