Fr Scotts homily from yesterday (Fourth Sunday of - TopicsExpress


Fr Scotts homily from yesterday (Fourth Sunday of Advent) ------------------------------------------ In our Gospel this weekend, Holy Mother Church gives us the Annunciation to ponder. Today we meditate on Mary’s “yes”, her “fiat” (which means literally, “let it be”). And the thought that came to mind, “Just what did Mary say ‘yes’ to?” Of course she said yes to the birth of the Christ, but she also said yes to much more than just that! As parents can attest, accepting a child is much more than having someone to say funny things, or having someone to play with. Parenthood is not always joy. There are many dirty diapers to be changed and messes to be cleaned. Having a child means making sacrifices, accepting hardships and illnesses. It means stress as your child leaves home for the first time. And most of all having a child means accepting great responsibilities. For Mary, saying yes to God was accepting the great responsibility of being the mother of our Savior. So saying “yes” to Gabriel, Mary also said “yes” to our Lord’s Passion and Death. She said “yes” to a life that would be very hard and very trying, and at times very sorrowful. What if Mary were given Gabriel’s message today, in todays clture here in Clarksdale? How would society pressure her to answer? From what Ive seen, society would pressure her to say “no”, considering how young of a grl she was. Society would tell her, “Turn God down and live your life while you still can! Have fun even if it is immoral! Dont remain a virgin! Live life to the fullest!” My friends, that is not life! Life is Jesus Christ! Life is being told there is no room for you in the Inn! Life is being rejected for choosing God’s will! Life is rejecting the Evil One and all of his lies! Mary was able to say “yes” to God because she submitted to God. She knew that she was not her own, that she belongs to God. The only way to overcome peer pressure (which all of us--you bf and old--experience) is to submit to God in all things. Not your friends. Not your kids. Not society. You owe nothing to society. You owe nothing to your friends. Parents, you owe nothing to your children, except to love them as God loves you—praising them in their successes and disciplining them in their moral failures (like our loving God who chastises us to make us stronger). Notice how our Collect (the opening prayer) this weekend mentions our Lord’s Passion and Cross—that alone is the path to the Resurrection! Mary accepted it when she said “yes” to Gabriel and God. We too are called to accept it, to say “yes” to our Lord’s Passion and Cross, to our own passion and cross. These last few days of Advent and into Christmas, don’t just say “hi” to Jesus at Mass or in a nativity scene and then leave Him behind to do whatever you want. Rather, let Him into your hearts! Do it now! This Holy Communion today, resolve to say “yes” only to God! Clarksdale’s failure is that there is too much peer pressure and too much caving in to that peer pressure! We saw it all last weekend with the party buses and drunkeness. And it wasnt just the high schoolers. It was the parents, too, who contributed and made it possible who failed this town. Make no mistake--I disapprove of the party buses. They are awful and must stop. It all must stop now! All of us must stand up against this! Resolve now with Mary, and like Mary, to say “yes” to God in all things! Accept His birth into your life but also accept His Passion and Cross, lest your lose your place in the Resurrection!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:14:09 +0000

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