Frack Free Leicestershire set up camp to alert the public Egdon - TopicsExpress


Frack Free Leicestershire set up camp to alert the public Egdon Energy (1) have started test-drilling for oil at Horse Leys Farm, Melton Road, Burton on the Wolds. Although Egdon claim to be looking for conventional fossil fuels rather than shale oil or gas – which would require the practice of fracking - , Frack Free Leicestershire call that claim into question. In any event, the proceeds after buying a PDL 201 licence that covers that area. Both Egdon and Celtique have a 32.5% share in the well are also heavily invested in unconventional extraction in the UK. They have stated their intention to use this drill site to extract conventional hydrocarbons to bankroll their future fracking projects. We at Frack Free Leicestershire (2) have erected an information camp near the site to signal to population of Leicestershire including the City of the encroaching harmful rolling out of this dangerous technology. Already at other sites extraction Corporations have broken the terms of their licenses by drilling deeper than allowed (3), so Frack Free Leicestershire remains sceptical. In this country there have also been earthquakes near Blackpool (4) and well integrity issues that have caused the need for emergency equipment to be needed and site closure on two occasions at West Newton site near Hull. Residents have complained about smells coming from the sight that have made them feel ill. (5) The government estimates there will be 2880 on shore wells drilled in a hydro carbon industry push for conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons in which 60 percent of the land is earmarked for drilling licences. (6) Alarming legislation called the “The infrastructure bill” is going through parliament that will make it law that onshore drilling has to be as economically productive as possible which will mean health and safety standards will fall and be sacrificed to cut on costs. It will also mean property owners will be forced to have hydraulic fracturing take place under their homes without consent. With the possibility of drill waste being injected under their homes also. It is interesting to note that the Royal estate will be exempt from fracking. (7) 95 percent of the wells will drill through aquifers that supply drinking water (8) of which 5-6 percent will fail immediately and if the bore holes are not maintained over the decades the well integrity will break down at an ever increasing rate. (9) The UK currently sources 30 percent of its drinking water from aquifers according to the British Geological Survey. (10) The water companies have already complained publicly that they have not been consulted in regards to this hazardous energy push which is likely to lead to contamination. (11) Where onshore drilling has taken hold in America and Australia water contamination has been reported. (12) Off the back of austerity, the councils are being financially incentivised to accept the industry putting their community and the wider population at risk. (13) The Environmental Agency who are supposedly meant to oversee the regulation of sites have had funding and staffing cuts in recent times and are not fit for purpose. This will lead to self regulation.(14) We acknowledge that there are alternatives (15) and other countries that are leading the way in creating renewable energy infrastructure, however such proposals do not see the light of day in this country due to the partial relationships and infiltration of hydro carbon business in the highest of offices. (16) Despite the scientific consensus on climate change and the need to transition to lesser harmful technologies. (17) In America it costs $1.50 to extract $1 worth of Gas. It is worth noting Fracking has been banned in France and in Germany they have banned it for seven years. (18) We oppose and reject the tax payer being made to subsidise (19) this extraction process and drive for onshore drilling that will cause them harm. With the ecroaching TTIP deal (20) and the threat of human rights being stripped from the UK (21) there will be no recourse or remedy for the genral public who will suffer the harms and peversely be forced to in financial servitude for those harms as well has have their property prices adversley affected.(22) (1) (2) https://facebook/groups/315102698646454/ (3) (4) & (5) theguardian/environment/2014/sep/19/yorkshire-wolds-gas-fracking-shale (6) (7) (8) (9) youtube/watch?v=vmr_ETzjGCA (10) (11) Water UKs policy adviser Dr Jim Marshall last week told the BBC that water companies are demanding to be consulted before fracking becomes widespread in Britain. Marshall said water UK did not come down on either side of the fracking debate, but warned that cut corners and compromises in safety standards could leave the country counting the cost for years to come. (12) desmogblog/2014/10/07/central-california-aquifers-contaminated-billions-gallons-fracking-wastewater (13) Council funding is being cut by £11.3 billion (14) (15) Energy Pathways 2050- Three Possible Energy Pathways Centre for Alternative Technology (2007) Zero Carbon Britain: an alternative energy strategy Centre for Alternative Technology (2010) ‘Zero Carbon Britain’, Machynlleth, ZCB zerocarbonbritain/ World Wide Fund for Nature, London (2011) ‘Positive Energy: how renewable electricity can transform the UK by 2030’ (16) members5.boardhost/medialens/msg/1412169862.html, theguardian/environment/2014/jul/22/environment-agency-chairman-fracking-links (17) (18) huffingtonpost/2013/10/11/france-fracking-ban_n_4083418.html (19) theguardian/politics/2013/jul/19/george-osborne-tax-break-fracking-shale-environment (20) (21) theguardian/law/2013/sep/30/conservitives-scrap-human-rights-act (22)
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 15:35:49 +0000

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