Fracked Gas Exports Mean That More Families Water Will Be - TopicsExpress


Fracked Gas Exports Mean That More Families Water Will Be Contaminated by Fracking Tell President Obama to Stop Approving Fracked Gas Exports! A plea from Mark Ruffalo: I have spent time and gotten to know some of the families whose water has been contaminated by fracking. It is truly criminal to see what this industry does to people they call their “neighbors.” It is time for this to stop. The only way to make it stop is if President Obama stops approving fracked gas export terminals. I could be dismissed as another “Actor with a Cause,” except that this fight is personal for me. You see, I live in New York with my family. My state and our family home is a target by the oil and gas industry to be fracked, and our governor is under intense pressure to move forward with it. If our state is fracked, my communitys air and water will most certainly be contaminated, and just like any other person with children, exposing them to dangerous chemicals every time they drink a glass of water or take a bath is not acceptable to me. Now, the Obama administration is putting policies in place to promote the export of fracked natural gas, which will raise the demand for fracking in the U.S. Just this week, his administration finalized approval for the Dominion Cove Point fracked gas export terminal in Maryland. This will put more and more people’s water at risk as well as threaten the health and well-being of the communities living near this terminal. This means that the oil and gas industry will just make greater profits off the communities that are fighting fracking and those communities that natural gas will be piped through. The Obama administration is moving ahead with the approval of more than 20 additional export terminals. We have to let him know that this is not the direction we want to move in. Take action and tell President Obama to stop the approval of any more fracked gas export terminals. In addition to harming local communities, more export facilities mean more fracking, and more fracking means more climate change — which we simply cannot afford. Because methane (a greenhouse gas many times more potent than carbon dioxide) leaks out during the drilling process, fracking is as bad as coal when it comes to climate change. A study just came out showing that there are absolutely no benefits to natural gas and that building out more infrastructure to support it would will make it that much more difficult to move to renewable energy. Its time to say enough is enough. President Obama must be a true leader on climate and stop the approval of more fracked gas export terminals. President Obama cant have it both ways. He cannot say he is fighting climate change while at the same time facilitating the mass exportation of more fossil fuels. It is simply insane. The good news is... we’re making progress in this fight. Last week, I joined more than 400,000 other people in New York for the Peoples Climate March. We are ready to look to our leaders to move us away from oil and gas that come from dirty practices like fracking and toward a more sustainable energy future. But more importantly, we need you to help us do it. Please take action now! Please take action today to tell President Obama that he can be a leader on climate change, but only if he stops the approval of new fracked gas export terminals. Thanks for taking action, Mark Ruffalo Anti-Fracking Activist, Father, Actor and Neighbor
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 22:59:43 +0000

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