Fracking threatens the land that our children live on, the water - TopicsExpress


Fracking threatens the land that our children live on, the water they drink, the food they eat, the air they breathe. We cant just sit back and leave it to others, we need to take this fight to our own neighbourhoods. The future of our children is at stake and no-one should be more concerned than us parents! After thorough investigation of the subject I have come to the conclusion that Fracking is dangerous and fool hardy. By fracking I mean High Volume Slickwater Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing to extract shale gas (coal bed methane extraction is almost as bad!). I have the benefits of a good education to aid my research, but you do not need a PhD to figure out that pumping toxic chemicals into the ground with gallons of our precious water is a bad idea. What legacy are we leaving them? We need to act now before it is too late! If you are unsure what you think all I ask is you spend some time looking into the issue and make your own mind up. I am fairly certain you will be as horrified as I am by what you learn. Having kids means you may not be able to attend other demos due to distance, cost, disability, fear of arrest etc. Teddy bears picnic demonstrations coming to a town near you, starting in Salisbury every Wednesday 12.30pm from the 13th November, outside the town hall. Rambunctious tots probably wont let us stay for more than an hour or so but if we are there regularly we can make our point, and hopefully pass the message on that we need to put pressure on our politicians & energy companies. Bring a packed lunch, bring a teddy, bring musical instruments and we can reach out to the vast numbers of people who dont even know what fracking is, let alone what it entails.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 19:24:47 +0000

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