Fragile Egos and Free Art. Artists tend to be very emotional - TopicsExpress


Fragile Egos and Free Art. Artists tend to be very emotional sometimes fragile people. It why you always here about crazy artists. Most of them are not really crazy. The Arts (from the artist side) is in large part only deemed a success if people like it. No matter how hard you work no matter how long you worked on something in the arts that may not matter, its unlike other jobs. Heres is why. Artists rely on public opnion as a gage of success. If the public dont like it you failed. Imagine if your success at work relied on guessing what people wanted. You would either stick with boring safe stuff or say screw that Im making what I want public be dammed (which is what most artists do) Its not like making a steel beam, who cares what the public thinks about your beam. They didnt make it they dont know what went into it and they wont buy it. The company already had a buyer though before it was made and only those with real knowledge matter in the making and selling of your beam. In the arts, artists turn to other artists for help. However all artists are in the same reliant on public opnion boat. Which means most of us are broke and couldnt buy our friends art at a fair price if we wanted to. Some (verrrrry few) get to that place where they can sell before the piece is done and at fair prices. In the art world thats like a 4 leaf clover. We know it happens but I never saw one and nobody I know has found one. As broke as artists are though I constantly finding them giving work away. In typical weird artist fashion they give art to people who didnt ask for it and on top of that many wont take money fot it. Ive seen one guy turn down even the offer to pay for materials. You have to understand Artists get moved by things. You might tell an artist a story in passing. She goes home and your story moves her to paint. In her mind you gave her the gift of inspiration, she repaid your gift with a painting. Ill bet Amy Wagenknecht can relate hete. The problem I have is people have gotten angry when work is given to someone but not them. I cant believe Jim gave her a painting, weve been friends since 6th grade Jim is not slighting anyone. If you want your artist friend to create a meaningless piece of crap with no life. Then go complain why didnt I get one. Dont be offended when Jim hands you a black canvas with a red splash and says figure it out. For anyone still with me. Please support the arts if you can, and I said arts. I paint but support any form of art. Support does not have to be financial encouraging the arts or maybe a few hours volunteering is huge Small personal note. I grew up a tough kid (Burbank friends) where doing anything remotely artistic (graffiti exception) was cause for a beating and was actively discouraged. Lynn PetoskeyLynn wad the only person I knew who was creating art outside of school. But she was a hot girl so she skated by. Lay off the artistic kids. Free stuff. I spoke a bit for all artists above and shouldnt have. If the artist isnt moved to create their art it will not be created. Its not a matter of they wont do what you want. They are almost mentally unable. Its not like making that beam artists need inspiration thats why you hear about blocks so often. They cant make anything. My own Mother gets mad because I have not written a story abour or painted an image of my brothers or grandma. I love them and miss all of them everyday. Until one of them kicks me in the @ss with an idea I cant make anything. Im not trying to offend mom or ignore the family we lost. I used to tell her. They are in Heaven with God and angels and every great master painter from the renaissance. Do you really think they care what the heck Im making. They dont care that I paint. Im their brother and thats all that ever mattered. If you were able to make it througj this please comment .....I Stayed
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 17:47:28 +0000

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