France deployed 10,000 troops in response to attacks around the - TopicsExpress


France deployed 10,000 troops in response to attacks around the country. Here are some of your thoughts on what happened. Sohail Khan: As a Muslim American who loves America and the west, I strongly condemn this ridiculous act of murder. Please stop equating all Muslims with scumbags like those terrorists. Gilbert Pilz: Still waiting for the good Christians so stand up against people like the Family Research Council. Steven Cosmos: I have nothing against Muslims in particular, I think that all religions are nuts. Jesse Turtleman Hamilton: Corruption in government runs the world. Terrorism is just a symptom of oppressed people fighting back. Janelle Higgins: 24/7 coverage on CNN....automatic red flag.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 00:25:00 +0000

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