France is a country where so-called anti-racist organizations, - TopicsExpress


France is a country where so-called anti-racist organizations, heavily subsidized by the government, fight for the most part only a single racism: Islamophobia. It is now a country where the only people allowed to speak freely of Islam to large audiences are those who describe it as a religion of peace and unlimited love. People prosecuted and fined for uttering critical remarks on Islam, such as Christine Tasin, say out loud what thousands think without daring to speak. France is nonetheless the country where the two perpetrators of the worst anti-Semitic terrorist attacks committed in the name of radical Islam on European soil were born and raised: Mohamed Merah, the killer of three Jewish children and a rabbi in a schoolyard in Toulouse in March 2012, and Mehdi Nemmouche, the murderer of four people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels in May 2014. France is also the main European provider of jihadist recruits to the Islamic State. More than 1,000 French citizens are fighting in Syria and Iraq. Two of them have been spotted in a beheading video. Virtually every country in Europe is facing this international threat to their sovereignty of their own country. This is what is coming to the United States with the help of our own government, the media, and the Democrat Party along with many uninformed Rhino Republicans. Our defenses are down and we are open to this systematic attack on our way of life. Unless we wake up soon, our country will be swallowed up by this Radical idealogy that is smothering Europe. It has been in process since the 1960s and is rapidly gaining momentum.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 18:39:33 +0000

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